
8.0.17 (25 October 2024)


  • Reported in #1727 (and I’m relieved that nobody got bit by this sooner), A serious bug was found where if using the age filter while deriving the age from the index name, it was erroneously ignoring any index that did not have a matching timestring pattern, which would leave a default epoch time of 0, which would definitely be older than your cutoff date! As a result, indices were matched and deleted that should not have been.

    The fix is to remove indices that do not match the pattern in the _get_name_based_ages method. The patch is in this release, as are updated tests to replicate the failure scenario. Hat tip to @giom-l for reporting this.


  • Update to use es_client==8.15.2.

  • Update data node detection to include data, data_content, data_hot, and data_warm for shrink action. This was first raised in #1621, but needed to go further than just adding data_hot. Hat tip to @gnobironts for the original pull request.

  • Add docker_test/.env to .gitignore

  • More formatting changes as suggested by pylint

  • Improve API calls to and node.stats to use filter_path

8.0.16 (6 August 2024)


  • Update to use es_client==8.14.2

  • Formatting changes and improvements

  • Update CLI to get client using ctx.obj['configdict'] as it’s already built by es_client.


  • Fix improper log levels erroneously left in from debugging. Thanks to @boutetnico in #1714

  • es_client version 8.14.2 addresses a problem where Python 3.8 is not officially supported for use with voluptuous greater than 0.14.2.

8.0.15 (10 April 2024)


  • Python 3.12 support becomes official. A few changes were necessary to datetime calls which were still using naive timestamps. Tests across all minor Python versions from 3.8 - 3.12 verify everything is working as expected with regards to those changes. Note that Docker builds are still running Python 3.11 as cx_Freeze still does not officially support Python 3.12.

  • Added infrastructure to test multiple versions of Python against the code base. This requires you to run: * pip install -U hatch hatchling – Install prerequisites * hatch run docker:create X.Y.Z – where X.Y.Z is an ES version on Docker Hub * hatch run test:pytest – Run the test suite for each supported version of Python * hatch run docker:destroy – Cleanup the Docker containers created in docker:create


  • A bug reported in es_client with Python versions 3.8 and 3.9 has been addressed. Going forward, testing protocol will be to ensure that Curator works with all supported versions of Python, or support will be removed (when 3.8 is EOL, for example).


  • Address deprecation warning in get_alias() call by limiting indices to only open and closed indices via expand_wildcards=['open', 'closed'].

  • Address test warnings for an improperly escaped \d in a docstring in

  • Updated Python version in Docker build. See Dockerfile for more information.

  • Docker test scripts updated to make Hatch matrix testing easier (.env file)

8.0.14 (2 April 2024)


  • A long awaited feature has been added, stealthily. It’s fully in the documentation, but I do not yet plan to make a big announcement about it. In actions that search through indices, you can now specify a search_pattern to limit the number of indices that will be filtered. If no search pattern is specified, the behavior will be the same as it ever was: it will search through _all indices. The actions that support this option are: allocation, close, cold2frozen, delete_indices, forcemerge, index_settings, open, replicas, shrink, and snapshot.


  • A mixup with naming conventions from the PII redacter tool got in the way of the cold2frozen action completing properly.


  • Version bump: es_client==8.13.0
    • With the version bump to es_client comes a necessary change to calls to create a repository. In it became clear that using type and settings as it has been was insufficient for repository settings, so we go back to using a request body as in older times. This change affects esrepomgr in one place, and otherwise only in snapshot/restore testing.

  • Added the curator.helpers.getters.meta_getter to reduce near duplicate functions.

  • Changed curator.helpers.getters.get_indices to use the _cat API to pull indices. The primary driver for this is that it avoids pulling in the full mapping and index settings when all we really need to return is a list of index names. This should help keep memory from ballooning quite as much. The function also now allows for a search_pattern kwarg to search only for indices matching a pattern. This will also potentially make the initial index return list much smaller, and the list of indices needing to be filtered that much smaller.

  • Tests were added to ensure that the changes for get_indices work everywhere.

  • Tests were added to ensure that the new search_pattern did not break anything, and does behave as expected.

8.0.13 (26 March 2024)


  • An issue was discovered in es_client that caused default values from command-line options which should not have been set to override settings in configuration files. es_client==8.12.9 corrects this. Reported in #1708, hat tip to @rgaduput for reporting this bug.

8.0.12 (20 March 2024)


  • six dependency erroneously removed from es_client. It’s back in es_client==8.12.8

8.0.11 (20 March 2024)


  • With the advent of es_client==8.12.5, environment variables can now be used to automatically populate command-line options. The ESCLIENT_ prefix just needs to prepend the capitalized option name, and any hyphens need to be replaced by underscores. --http-compress True is automatically settable by having ESCLIENT_HTTP_COMPRESS=1. Boolean values are 1, 0, True, or False (case-insensitive). Options like hosts which can have multiple values just need to have whitespace between the values, e.g. ESCLIENT_HOSTS=' http://localhost:9200'. It splits perfectly. This is tremendous news for the containerization/k8s community. You won’t have to have all of the options spelled out any more. Just have the environment variables assigned.

  • Also, log blacklisting has made it to the command-line as well. It similarly can be set via environment variable, e.g. ESCLIENT_BLACKLIST='elastic_transport urllib3', or by multiple --blacklist entries at the command line.

  • es_client has simplified things such that I can clean up arg sprawl in the command line scripts.


Lots of pending pull requests have been merged. Thank you to the community members who took the time to contribute to Curator’s code.

  • DOCFIX - Update date math section to use y instead of Y (#1510)

  • DOCFIX - Update period filtertype description (#1550)

  • add .dockerignore to increase build speed (#1604)

  • DOCFIX - clarification on prefix and suffix kinds (#1558) The provided documentation was adapted and edited.

  • Use builtin unittest.mock (#1695)
    • Had to also update helpers.testers.verify_client_object.

  • Display proper error when mapping incorrect (#1526) - @namreg Also assisting with this is @alexhornblake in #1537 Apologies for needing to adapt the code manually since it’s been so long.

  • Version bumps:
    • es_client==8.12.6

8.0.10 (1 February 2024)


The upstream dependency, es_client, needed to be patched to address a Docker logging permission issue. This release only version bumps that dependency:

  • es_client==8.12.4

8.0.9 (31 January 2024)


Curator is improving command-line options using new defaults and helpers from from the es_client module. This will make things appear a bit cleaner at the command-line as well as normalize command-line structure between projects using es_client. No more reimplementing the same code in 5 different projects!


  • Fix Docker logging per #1694. It should detect whether that path exists and that the process has write permissions before blindly attempting to use it.

  • If --config is not specified Curator will now assume you either mean to use CLI options exclusively or look for a config in the default location. Curator will not halt on the absence of --config any more, per #1698

  • Increment Dockerfile settings to python:3.11.7-alpine3.18

  • Some command-line options are hidden by default now but remain usable. The help output explains how to see the full list, if needed.

  • Dependency bumps
    • As es_client covers all of the same upstream dependencies that were necessary in previous releases, all local dependencies have been erased in favor of that one. For this release, that is es_client==8.12.3

8.0.8 (21 July 2023)


Small change to further reduce memory usage by not creating unused data structures.

This revealed a glitch with dry-runs that would eventually have been reported.


  • Don’t populate IndexList.index_info until required by a filter. In other words, stop populating the zero values as part of instantiation.

  • This uncovered an oversight with the 8.0.7 release. Certain actions, if taken with no filters, or only a pattern filter, would never ever populate the index_info. This wasn’t a huge problem, unless you were using the dry-run flag. The dry-run output requires the index_info to be present for each index. In 8.0.7, where the empty structure was already in place, a dry-run wouldn’t fail, but it also wouldn’t show any data. This is fixed.

  • A few tests also needed updating. They were using contrived scenarios to test certain conditions. Now these tests are manually grabbing necessary metadata so they can pass.

8.0.7 (21 July 2023)


Functionally, there are no changes in this release. However…

This release ends the practice of collecting all stats and metadata at IndexList initiation. This should make execution much faster for users with enormous clusters with hundreds to thousands of indices. In the past, this was handled at IndexList instantiation by making a cluster state API call. This is rather heavy, and can be so much data as to slow down Curator for minutes on clusters with hundreds to thousands of shards. This is all changed in this release.

For example, the pattern filter requires no index metadata, as it only works against the index name. If you use a pattern filter first, the actionable list of indices is reduced. Then if you need to filter based on age using the creation_date, the age filter will call get_index_settings to pull the necessary data for that filter to complete. Some filters will not work against closed indices. Those filters will automatically call get_index_state to get the open/close status of the indices in the actionable list. The disk space filter will require the index state as it won’t work on closed indices, and will call get_index_stats to pull the size_in_bytes stats.

Additionally, the cat API is used to get index state (open/close), now, as it is the only API call besides the cluster state which can inform on this matter. Not calling for a huge dump of the entire cluster state should drastically reduce memory requirements, though that may vary for some users still after all of the index data is polled, depending on what filters are used.

There is a potential caveat to all this rejoicing, however. Searchable snapshot behavior with ILM policies usually keeps indices out of Curator’s vision. You need to manually tell Curator to allow it to work on ILM enabled indices. But for some users who need to restore a snapshot to remove PII or other data from an index, it can’t be in ILM anymore. This has caused some headaches. For example, if you are tracking an index in the hot tier named ‘index1’ and it is in process of being migrated to the cold tier as a searchable snapshot, it may suddenly disappear from the system as ‘index1’ and suddenly re-appear as ‘restored-index1’. The original index may now be an alias that points to the newly mounted cold-tier index. Before this version, Curator would choke if it encountered this scenario. In fact, one user saw it repeatedly. See the last comment of issue 1682 in the GitHub repository for more information.

To combat this, many repeated checks for index integrity have become necessary. This also involves verifying that indices in the IndexList are not actually aliases. Elasticsearch provides exists tests for these, but they cannot be performed in bulk. They are, however, very lightweight. But network turnaround times could make large clusters slower. For this reason, it is highly recommended that regex filters be used first, early, and often, before using any other filters. This will reduce the number of indices Curator has to check and/or verify during execution, which will speed things up drastically.

8.0.6.post1 (18 July 2023)

Breakfix Patch

No code was changed in this release, only Python dependencies. If you are using pip to install Curator, chances are good you won’t need this release.

This release was necessary after Docker refused to build a viable container using PyYAML 6.0.0, which will not build with the new Cython 3, released on Friday, July 14, 2023. A speedy fix was released as PyYAML 6.0.1 to address this.

The current 8.0.6 Docker image uses these fixes. This version will be published to PyPI, but not otherwise released as its own version.

8.0.6 (18 July 2023)

Breakfix Release

  • Small breakfix change to catch a similar rare race condition patched in 8.0.5 covering the get_index_stats() method of IndexList. This patch covers the get_metadata() method and closes #1682.

8.0.5 (13 July 2023)


Release for Elasticsearch 8.8.2


  • Small PEP formatting changes that were found editing code.

  • Bump Python version in Dockerfile to 3.11.4

  • Bump Python dependency versions.

  • Change targetName to target_name in for newest version of cx_Freeze. Hat tip to @rene-dekker in #1681 who made these changes to 5.x and 7.x.

  • Fix command-line behavior to not fail if the default config file is not present. The newer CLI-based configuration should allow for no config file at all, and now that’s fixed.

  • Initial work done to prevent a race condition where an index is present at IndexList initialization, but is missing by the time index stats collection begins. The resultant 404s were causing Curator to shut down and not complete steps.

  • When running in a Docker container, make Curator log to /proc/1/fd/1 by default, if no value is provided for logfile (otherwise, use that).

8.0.4 (28 April 2023)


Allow single-string, base64 API Key tokens in Curator.

To use a base64 API Key token in YAML configuration:

    hosts: https://host.example.tld:9243
      token: '<base64 token goes here>'

To use a base64 API Key token at the command-line:

curator --hosts https://host.example.tld:9243 --api_token <base64 token goes here> [OTHER ARGS/OPTIONS]

NOTE: In neither of the above examples are the alligator clips necessary (the < and > characters).


8.0.3 (22 February 2023)


A new action called cold2frozen has been added to Curator. It is not going to be of much use to the vast majority of Elasticsearch users as it serves a very narrow use-case. That is, it migrates searchable snapshot indices from the cold tier to the frozen tier, but only if they are not associated with ILM (Index Lifecycle Management) policies. As escalation into the cold and frozen tiers is usually handled by ILM, this is indeed a rare use case.


  • Fixed instruction display for delete repository action of es_repo_mgr

  • Fix unit tests to import more specifically/cleanly

  • Fixed Hatch build includes (this was speed-released to PyPI as 8.0.2.post1) as Curator did not function after a pip install.

  • Added cold2frozen action, and tests.

8.0.2 (15 February 2023)


  • Added the same CLI flags that the singletons offers. This gives much more flexibility with regards to passing configuration settings as command-line options, particularly for Docker.

  • Re-created the get_client function. It now resides in curator.helpers.getters and will eventually see use in the Reindex class for remote connections.

  • Created a new set of classes to import, validate the schema, and split individual actions into their own sub-object instances. This is primarily to make curator/ read much more cleanly. No new functionality here, but fewer conditional branches, and hopefully more readable code.

  • Updated the documentation to show these changes, both the API and the usage docs.

8.0.1 (10 February 2023)


The 8.0.0 release was about getting Curator out the door with all of the functionality users were accustomed to in 5.8.4, but with the newer, updated args and methods in elasticsearch8. Very little else was changed that didn’t need to be. Now comes a few improvements, and more are coming, which is why I didn’t start with 8.6.0 as my release version.

  • Now offering multi-architecture Docker builds for arm64 (v8) and amd64.

  • This required the addition of two new scripts at the root level of the project: and These scripts are used only when building the Dockerfile. They were needed to make multi-architecture Docker images possible. I’m sure you’ll be able to see how they work with a cursory glance.

Breaking Changes

  • I split curator.utils into several, separate modules under curator.helpers.

    I suppose, technically, that this qualifies as a breaking change from 8.0, but I sincerely doubt I have any users using Curator as an API yet, so I made the change. No functions were renamed, so this isn’t as breaking so much as a slight shift in module naming. This gave me headaches, but it needed to be done a long time ago. It was always grating to see the Pylint warnings that the file is longer than 1000 lines, and searching for the module you wanted was way too much scrolling. This also gave me the chance to update the tests and the docstring’s formatting for rST docs. Most of this release’s changes came from this change.


  • Curator has supported ECS logging for a while, but now that there is an official Python module, Curator is going to use it. Welcome, ecs-logging! As before, just use logformat: ecs, but now it has all of the goodness right there!

  • rST docs are improved and updated. Check out to see.

  • Logging turned out to be too verbose due to a shift. Now the blacklist defaults to ['elastic_transport', 'urllib3']. Documentation updated accordingly.

  • Default behavior is now to not verify snapshot repository access for Snapshot and Restore actions. It was a hacky fix for older versions of Elasticsearch that just shouldn’t be needed.

8.0.0 (31 January 2023)


This release is a major refactoring of the Curator code to work with both Elasticsearch 8.x and the Elasticsearch-py Python module of the same major and minor versions.

I apologize for the crazy merge messes trying to get this all to work. In the end, I had to delete my fork on github and start over clean.

Breaking Changes

  • Curator is now version locked. Curator v8.x will only work with Elasticsearch v8.x

  • Your old Curator config.yml file will no longer work as written. There have been more than a few changes necessitated by the updates in the elasticsearch8 Python client library. The client connection code has also been extracted to its own module, es_client. This is actually a good thing, however, as new options for configuring the client connection become possible.

  • Going forward, Curator will only be released as a tarball via GitHub, as an sdist or wheel via pip on PyPI, and to Docker Hub. There will no longer be RPM, DEB, or Windows ZIP releases. I am sorry if this is inconvenient, but one of the reasons the development and release cycle was delayed so long is because of how painfully difficult it was to do releases.

  • Curator will only work with Python 3.8+, and will more tightly follow the Python version releases.


  • Last minute doc fixes. Mostly updated links to Elasticsearch documentation.

  • Python 3.11.1 is fully supported, and all versions of Python 3.8+ should be fully supported.

  • Use hatch and hatchling for package building & publishing

  • Because of hatch and pyproject.toml, the release version still only needs to be tracked in curator/

  • Maintain the barest for building a binary version of Curator for Docker using cx_Freeze.

  • Remove setup.cfg, requirements.txt,, and other files as functionality is now handled by pyproject.toml and doing pip install . to grab dependencies and install them. YAY! Only one place to track dependencies now!!!

  • Preliminarily updated the docs.

  • Migrate towards pytest and away from nose tests.

  • Revamped almost every integration test

  • Scripts provided now that aid in producing and destroying Docker containers for testing. See docker_test/scripts/ To spin up a numbered version release of Elasticsearch, run docker_test/scripts/ 8.6.1. It will download any necessary images, launch them, and tell you when it’s ready, as well as provide REMOTE_ES_SERVER environment variables for testing the reindex action, e.g. REMOTE_ES_SERVER="" pytest --cov=curator. These tests are skipped if this value is not provided. To clean up afterwards, run docker_test/scripts/

  • The action classes were broken into their own path, curator/actions/

  • curator_cli has been updated with more client connection settings, like cloud_id.

  • As Curator 8 is version locked and will not use AWS credentials to connect to any ES 8.x instance, all AWS ES connection settings and references have been removed.

8.0.0rc1 (30 January 2023)


This release-candidate is a major refactoring of the Curator code to work with both Elasticsearch 8.x and the Elasticsearch-py Python module of the same major and minor versions.

Breaking Changes

  • Curator is now version locked. Curator v8.x will only work with Elasticsearch v8.x

  • Your old Curator config.yml file will no longer work as written. There have been more than a few changes necessitated by the updates in the elasticsearch8 Python client library. The client connection code has also been extracted to its own module, es_client. This is actually a good thing, however, as new options for configuring the client connection become possible.

  • Going forward, Curator will only be released as a tarball via GitHub, as an sdist or wheel via pip on PyPI, and to Docker Hub. There will no longer be RPM, DEB, or Windows ZIP releases. I am sorry if this is inconvenient, but one of the reasons the development and release cycle was delayed so long is because of how painfully difficult it was to do releases.

  • Curator will only work with Python 3.8+, and will more tightly follow the Python version releases.


  • Python 3.11.1 is fully supported, and all versions of Python 3.8+ should be fully supported.

  • Use hatch and hatchling for package building & publishing

  • Because of hatch and pyproject.toml, the release version still only needs to be tracked in curator/

  • Maintain the barest for building a binary version of Curator for Docker using cx_Freeze.

  • Remove setup.cfg, requirements.txt,, and other files as functionality is now handled by pyproject.toml and doing pip install . to grab dependencies and install them. YAY! Only one place to track dependencies now!!!

  • Preliminarily updated the docs.

  • Migrate towards pytest and away from nose tests.

  • Revamped almost every integration test

  • Scripts provided now that aid in producing and destroying Docker containers for testing. See docker_test/scripts/ To spin up a numbered version release of Elasticsearch, run docker_test/scripts/ 8.6.1. It will download any necessary images, launch them, and tell you when it’s ready, as well as provide REMOTE_ES_SERVER environment variables for testing the reindex action, e.g. REMOTE_ES_SERVER="" pytest --cov=curator. These tests are skipped if this value is not provided. To clean up afterwards, run docker_test/scripts/

  • The action classes were broken into their own path, curator/actions/

  • curator_cli has been updated with more client connection settings, like cloud_id.

  • As Curator 8 is version locked and will not use AWS credentials to connect to any ES 8.x instance, all AWS ES connection settings and references have been removed.

8.0.0a1 (26 January 2023)


This release-candidate is a major refactoring of the Curator code to work with both Elasticsearch 8.x and the Elasticsearch-py Python module of the same major and minor versions.

Breaking Changes

  • Curator is now version locked. Curator v8.x will only work with Elasticsearch v8.x

  • Your old Curator config.yml file will no longer work as written. There have been more than a few changes necessitated by the updates in the elasticsearch8 Python client library. The client connection code has also been extracted to its own module, es_client. This is actually a good thing, however, as new options for configuring the client connection become possible.

  • Going forward, Curator will only be released as a tarball via GitHub, as an sdist or wheel via pip on PyPI, and to Docker Hub. There will no longer be RPM, DEB, or Windows ZIP releases. I am sorry if this is inconvenient, but one of the reasons the development and release cycle was delayed so long is because of how painfully difficult it was to do releases.

  • Curator will only work with Python 3.8+, and will more tightly follow the Python version releases.


  • Python 3.11.1 is fully supported, and all versions of Python 3.8+ should be fully supported.

  • Use hatch and hatchling for package building & publishing

  • Because of hatch and pyproject.toml, the release version still only needs to be tracked in curator/

  • Maintain the barest for building a binary version of Curator for Docker using cx_Freeze.

  • Remove setup.cfg, requirements.txt,, and other files as functionality is now handled by pyproject.toml and doing pip install . to grab dependencies and install them. YAY! Only one place to track dependencies now!!!

  • Preliminarily updated the docs.

  • Migrate towards pytest and away from nose tests.

  • Revamped almost every integration test

  • Scripts provided now that aid in producing and destroying Docker containers for testing. See docker_test/scripts/ To spin up a numbered version release of Elasticsearch, run docker_test/scripts/ 8.6.1. It will download any necessary images, launch them, and tell you when it’s ready, as well as provide REMOTE_ES_SERVER environment variables for testing the reindex action, e.g. REMOTE_ES_SERVER="" pytest --cov=curator. These tests are skipped if this value is not provided. To clean up afterwards, run docker_test/scripts/

  • The action classes were broken into their own path, curator/actions/

  • curator_cli has been updated with more client connection settings, like cloud_id.

  • As Curator 8 is version locked and will not use AWS credentials to connect to any ES 8.x instance, all AWS ES connection settings and references have been removed.

7.0.0 (31 January 2023)


  • This release is a simplified release for only pip and Docker. It only works with Elasticsearch 7.x and is functionally identical to 5.8.4

Breaking Changes

  • Curator is now version locked. Curator v7.x will only work with Elasticsearch v7.x

  • Going forward, Curator will only be released as a tarball via GitHub, as an sdist or wheel via pip on PyPI, and to Docker Hub. There will no longer be RPM, DEB, or Windows ZIP releases. I am sorry if this is inconvenient, but one of the reasons the development and release cycle was delayed so long is because of how painfully difficult it was to do releases.

  • Curator will only work with Python 3.8+, and will more tightly follow the Python version releases.


  • Python 3.11.1 is fully supported, and all versions of Python 3.8+ should be fully supported.

  • Use hatch and hatchling for package building & publishing

  • Because of hatch and pyproject.toml, the release version still only needs to be tracked in curator/

  • Maintain the barest for building a binary version of Curator for Docker using cx_Freeze.

  • Remove setup.cfg, requirements.txt,, and other files as functionality is now handled by pyproject.toml and doing pip install . to grab dependencies and install them. YAY! Only one place to track dependencies now!!!

  • Preliminarily updated the docs.

  • Migrate towards pytest and away from nose tests.

  • Scripts provided now that aid in producing and destroying Docker containers for testing. See docker_test/scripts/ To spin up a numbered version release of Elasticsearch, run docker_test/scripts/ 7.17.8. It will download any necessary images, launch them, and tell you when it’s ready, as well as provide REMOTE_ES_SERVER environment variables for testing the reindex action, e.g. REMOTE_ES_SERVER="" pytest --cov=curator. These tests are skipped if this value is not provided. To clean up afterwards, run docker_test/scripts/

  • Add filter by size feature. #1612 (IndraGunawan)

  • Update Elasticsearch client to 7.17.8

Security Fixes

  • Use urllib3 1.26.5 or higher #1610 (tsaarni) — This dependency is now fully handled by the elasticsearch7 module and not a separate urllib3 import.

6.0.0 (31 January 2023)


  • This release is a simplified release for only pip and Docker. It only works with Elasticsearch 6.x and is functionally identical to 5.8.4

Breaking Changes

  • Curator is now version locked. Curator v6.x will only work with Elasticsearch v6.x

  • Going forward, Curator will only be released as a tarball via GitHub, as an sdist or wheel via pip on PyPI, and to Docker Hub. There will no longer be RPM, DEB, or Windows ZIP releases. I am sorry if this is inconvenient, but one of the reasons the development and release cycle was delayed so long is because of how painfully difficult it was to do releases.

  • Curator will only work with Python 3.8+, and will more tightly follow the Python version releases.


  • Python 3.11.1 is fully supported, and all versions of Python 3.8+ should be fully supported.

  • Use hatch and hatchling for package building & publishing

  • Because of hatch and pyproject.toml, the release version still only needs to be tracked in curator/

  • Maintain the barest for building a binary version of Curator for Docker using cx_Freeze.

  • Remove setup.cfg, requirements.txt,, and other files as functionality is now handled by pyproject.toml and doing pip install . to grab dependencies and install them. YAY! Only one place to track dependencies now!!!

  • Preliminarily updated the docs.

  • Migrate towards pytest and away from nose tests.

  • Scripts provided now that aid in producing and destroying Docker containers for testing. See docker_test/scripts/ To spin up a numbered version release of Elasticsearch, run docker_test/scripts/ 6.8.23. It will download any necessary images, launch them, and tell you when it’s ready, as well as provide REMOTE_ES_SERVER environment variables for testing the reindex action, e.g. REMOTE_ES_SERVER="" pytest --cov=curator. These tests are skipped if this value is not provided. To clean up afterwards, run docker_test/scripts/

  • Add filter by size feature. #1612 (IndraGunawan)

  • Update Elasticsearch client to 6.8.2

Security Fixes

  • Use urllib3 1.26.5 or higher #1610 (tsaarni) — This dependency is now fully handled by the elasticsearch7 module and not a separate urllib3 import.

5.8.4 (27 April 2021)


  • Because Python 2.7 has been EOL for over a year now, many projects are no longer supporting it. This will also be the case for Curator as its dependencies cease to support Python 2.7. With boto3 having announced it is ceasing support of Python 2.7, deprecated as of 15 Jan 2021, and fully unsupported on 15 Jul 2021, Curator will follow these same dates. This means that you will need to use an older version of Curator to continue using Python 2.7, or upgrade to Python 3.6 or greater.


  • Normally I would not include breaking changes, but users have asked for Click v7, which changes actions to require hyphens, and not underscores. Options can still have underscores, but actions can’t–well, not strictly true. You can have underscores, but Click v7 will convert them to hyphens. This should _only_ affect users of the Curator CLI, and not YAML file users, and only the actions: show-indices, show-snapshots, delete-indices, delete-snapshots. The actual actions are still named with underscores, and the code has been updated to work with the hyphenated action names.


  • Now using elasticsearch-py version 7.12.0

  • Adding testing for Python 3.9

  • Removing testing on Python 3.6

  • Tested Elasticsearch versions now include 7.12.0, 7.11.2, 7.10.2, 7.9.3, 7.8.1, 6.8.15, 5.6.16

  • Changing requirements.txt as follows: - boto3-1.17.57 - certifi-2020.12.5 - click-7.1.2 - elasticsearch-7.12.0 - pyyaml-5.4.1 - requests-2.25.1 - requests-aws4auth-1.0.1 - six-1.15.0 - urllib3-1.26.4 - voluptuous-0.12.1

Bug Fixes

  • Alias integration tests needed updating for newer versions of Elasticsearch that include ILM.

  • Click 7.0 now reports an exit code of 1 for schema mismatches where it yielded a -1 in the past. Tests needed updating to correct for this.


  • Address multiple pyyaml vulnerabilities by bumping to version 5.4.1. Contributed in #1596 (tsaarni)

5.8.3 (25 November 2020)


  • Determined to test the last 2 major version’s final patch releases, plus the last 5 minor releases in the current major version. Travis CI testing needs to go faster, and this should suffice. For now, this means versions 5.6.16, 6.8.13, 7.6.2, 7.7.1, 7.8.1, 7.9.3, and 7.10.0

Bug Fixes

  • Caught a few stale merge failures, and asciidoc documentation problems which needed fixing in the 5.8 branch, which necessitate this tiny bump release. No code changes between 5.8.2 and 5.8.3.

5.8.2 (24 November 2020)


  • No, Curator isn’t going away. But as you can tell, it’s not as actively developed as it once was. I am gratified to find there are still users who make it a part of their workflow. I intend to continue development in my spare time. Curator is now a labor of love, not an engineering project I do during work hours.


  • Testing changes. Only last ES version of 5.x and 6.x are tested, plus the releases of 7.x since 7.2.

  • http_auth is now deprecated. You can continue to use it, but it will go away in the next major release. Moving forward, you should use username and password. This should work in curator, curator_cli, and es_repo_mgr.

  • Removed tests for all 5.x branches of Elasticsearch but the final (5.6).

  • Added tests for missing 7.x branches of Elasticsearch

  • Remove tests for Python 3.5

  • Fix hang of Shrink action in ES 7.x in #1528 (jclegras)

  • Add ecs as a logformat option in #1529 (m1keil)

Bug Fixes

  • Lots of code cleanup, trying to go PEP-8. All tests are still passing, and the APIs are not changed (yet—-that comes in the next major release).

  • Dockerfile has been updated to produce a working version with Python 3.7 and Curator 5.8.1

  • Pin (for now) Elasticsearch Python module to 7.1.0. This will be updated when an updated release of the module fixes the cluster.state API call regression at

  • Fix client.tasks.get API call to be client.tasks.list when no index name is provided. See

  • Pin some pip versions to allow urllib3 and boto to coexist. See #1562 (sethmlarson).


  • Add Freeze/Unfreeze documentation in #1497 (lucabelluccini)

  • Update compatibility matrix in #1522 (jibsonline)

5.8.1 (25 September 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH will now be set in /usr/bin/curator and the associated scripts rather than set in /etc/


  • Unsaved logging change in that got missed is merged.

5.8.0 (24 September 2019)


  • Require elasticsearch-py version 7.0.4

  • Official support for Python 3.7 — In fact, the pre-built packages are built using Python 3.7 now.

  • Packages bundle OpenSSL 1.1.1c, removing the need for system OpenSSL

  • Certifi 2019.9.11 certificates included.

  • New client configuration option: api_key - used in the X-Api-key header in requests to Elasticsearch when set, which may be required if ReadonlyREST plugin is configured to require api-key. Requested in #1409 (vetler)

  • Add skip_flush option to the close action. This should be useful when trying to close indices with unassigned shards (e.g. before restore). Raised in #1412. (psypuff)

  • Use RequestsHttpConnection class, which permits the use of HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. Raised in #510 and addressed by #1259 (raynigon) in August of 2018. Subsequent changes, however, required some adaptation, and re-submission as a different PR. (untergeek)

  • ignore_existing option added to CreateIndex. Will not raise an error if the index to be created already exists. Raised by (breml) in #1352. (untergeek)

  • Add support for freeze and unfreeze indexes using curator. Requires Elasticsearch version 6.6 or greater with xpack enabled. Requested in issue #1399 and rasied in PR #1454. (junmuz)

  • Allow the close action to ignore synced flush failures with the new ignore_sync_failures option. Raised in #1248. (untergeek)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix kibana filter to match any and all indices starting with .kibana. This addresses #1363, and everyone else upgrading to Elasticsearch 7.x. Update documentation accordingly. (untergeek)

  • Fix reindex post-action checks. When the filters do not return documents to be reindexed, the post-action check to ensure the target index exists is not needed. This new version will skip that validation if no documents are processed (issue #1170). (afharo)

  • Prevent the empty filtertype from incorrectly matching against closed indices #1430 (heyitsmdr)

  • Fix index_size function to be able to report either for either the total of all shards (default) or just primaries. Added as a keyword arg to preserve existing behavior. This was needed to fix sizing calculations for the Shrink action, which should only count primaries. Raised in #1429 (untergeek).

  • Fix allow_ilm_indices to work with the rollover action. Reported in #1418 (untergeek)

  • Update the client connection logic to be cleaner and log more verbosely in an attempt to address issues like #1418 and others like it more effectively as other failures have appeared to be client failures because the last log message were vague indications that a client connection was attempted. This is a step in the right direction, as it explicitly exits with a 1 exit code for different conditions now. (untergeek)

  • Catch snapshots without a timestring in the name causing a logic error when using the count filter and use_age with source: name. Reported by (nerophon) in #1366. (untergeek)

  • Ensure authentication (401), authorization (403), and other 400 errors are logged properly. Reported by (rfalke) in #1413. (untergeek)

  • Fix crashes in restore of “large” number of indices reported by breml in #1360. (anandsinghkunwar)

  • Do an empty list check before querying indices for field stats. Fixed by (CiXiHuo) in #1448.

  • Fix “Correctly report task runtime in seconds” while reindexing. Reported by (jkelastic) in #1335


  • Grammar correction of ilm.asciidoc #1425 (SlavikCA)

  • Updates to reflect changes to Elasticsearch 7 documentation #1426 and #1428 (lcawl) and (jrodewig)

5.7.6 (6 May 2019)

Security Fix

Evidently, there were some upstream dependencies which required vulnerable versions of urllib3 and requests. These have been addressed.

  • CVE-2018-20060, CVE-2019-11324, CVE-2018-18074 are addressed by this update. Fixed in #1395 (cburgess)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow aliases in Elasticsearch versions >= 6.5.0 to refer to more than one index, if is_write_index is present and one index has it set to True. Requested in #1342 (untergeek)

5.7.5 (26 April 2019)

This has to be a new record with 5 releases in 3 days, however, as a wonderful aside, this release is the Curator Haiku release (if you don’t know why, look up the structure of a Haiku).

Bug Fix

  • Persistent ILM filter error has finally been caught. Apparently, in Python, a list of lists [[]] will evaluate as existing, because it has one array element, even if that element is empty. So, this is my bad, but it is fixed now. (untergeek)

5.7.4 (25 April 2019)

Bug Fix

  • ILM filter was reading from full index list, rather than the working list Reported in #1389 (untergeek)

5.7.3 (24 April 2019)

Bug Fix

  • Still further package collisions with urllib3 between boto3 and requests. It was working, but with an unacceptable error, which is addressed in release 5.7.3. (untergeek)

5.7.2 (24 April 2019)

Bug Fix

  • Fix urllib3 dependency collision on account of boto3 (untergeek)

5.7.1 (24 April 2019)

We do not speak of 5.7.1

5.7.0 (24 April 2019)


  • Support for elasticsearch-py 7.0.0 (untergeek)

  • Support for Elasticsearch 7.0 #1371 (untergeek)

  • TravisCI testing for Elasticsearch 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, and 7.0 (untergeek)

  • Allow shrink action to use multiple data paths #1350 (IzekChen)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix regex pattern filter to use #1355 (matthewdupre)

  • Report rollover results in both dry-run and regular runs. Requested in #1313 (untergeek)

  • Hide passwords in DEBUG logs. Requested in #1336 (untergeek)

  • With ILM fully released, Curator tests now correctly use the allow_ilm_indices option. (untergeek)


  • Many thanks to those who submitted documentation fixes, both factual as well as typos!

5.6.0 (13 November 2018)


  • The empty filter has been exposed for general use. This filter matches indices with no documents. (jrask) #1264

  • Added tests for Elasticsearch 6.3 and 6.4 releases. (untergeek)

  • Sort indices alphabetically before sorting by age. (tschroeder-zendesk) #1290

  • Add shards filtertype (cushind) #1298

Bug Fixes

  • Fix YAML linting so that YAML errors are caught and displayed on the command line. Reported in #1237 (untergeek)

  • Pin click version for compatibility. (Andrewsville) #1280

  • Allow much older epoch timestamps (rsteneteg) #1296

  • Reindex action respects ignore_empty_list flag (untergeek) #1297

  • Update ILM index version minimum to 6.6.0 (untergeek)

  • Catch reindex failures properly. Reported in #1260 (untergeek)


  • Added Reindex example to the sidebar. (Nostalgiac) #1227

  • Fix Rollover example text and typos. (untergeek)

5.5.4 (23 May 2018)

Bug Fix

  • Extra args in prevented show_snapshots from executing (untergeek)

5.5.3 (21 May 2018)

Short release cycle here specifically to address the Snapshot restore issue raised in #1192


  • By default, filter out indices with set. This can be overridden with the option allow_ilm_indices with the caveat that you are on your own if there are conflicts. NOTE: The Index Lifecycle Management feature will not appear in Elasticsearch until 6.4.0

  • Removed some unused files from the repository.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an ambiguously designed Alias test (untergeek)

  • Snapshot action will now raise an exception if the snapshot does not complete with state SUCCESS. Reported in #1192 (untergeek)

  • The show_indices and show_snapshots singletons were not working within the new framework. They’ve been fixed now.

5.5.2 (14 May 2018)


  • The alias, restore, rollover, and shrink actions have been added to curator_cli, along with a revamped method to manage/add actions in the future.

  • Updated certifi dependency to 2018.4.16

  • Added six dependency

  • Permit the use of versions 6.1 and greater of the elasticsearch python module. There are issues with SSL contexts in the 6.0 release that prevent Curator from being able to use this version. Currently the requirement version string is elasticsearch>=5.5.2,!=6.0.0,<7.0.0

  • Start of pylint cleanup, and use of six string_types. (untergeek)

Bug Fixes

  • unit_count_pattern setting can cause indices to mistakenly be included in an index filter. Fixed in #1206 (soenkeliebau)

  • Fix rollover _check_max_size() call. Reported in #1202 by @diranged (untergeek).

  • Update tested versions of Elasticsearch. (untergeek).

  • Update setup.cfg to install dependencies during source install. (untergeek)

  • Fix reference to unset variable name in log output at It should be idx instead of index. (untergeek).

  • Alias action should raise NoIndices exception if warn_if_no_indices is True, and no add or remove sub-actions are found, rather than raising an ActionError. Reported in #1209 (untergeek).


  • Clarify inclusive filtering for allocated filter. Fixed in #1203 (geekpete)

  • Fix Kibana filter description. #1199 (quartett-opa)

  • Add missing documentation about the new_name option for rollover. Reported in #1197 (untergeek)

5.5.1 (22 March 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix pip installation issues for older versions of Python #1183 (untergeek)

5.5.0 (21 March 2018)

New Features

  • Add wait_for_rebalance as an option for shrink action. By default the behavior remains unchanged. You can now set this to False though to allow the shrink action to only check that the index being shrunk has finished being relocated and it will not wait for the cluster to rebalance. #1129 (tschroeder-zendesk)

  • Work around for extremely large cluster states. #1142 (rewiko)

  • Add CI tests for Elasticsearch versions 6.1 and 6.2 (untergeek)

  • Add Elasticsearch datemath support for snapshot names #1078 (untergeek)

  • Support max_size as a rollover condition for Elasticsearch versions 6.1.0 and up. #1140 (untergeek)

  • Skip indices with a document count of 0 when using source: field_stats to do age or period type filtering. #1130 (untergeek)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix missing node information in log line. #1142 (untergeek)

  • Fix default options in code that were causing schema validation errors after voluptuous upgrade to 0.11.1. Reported in #1149, fixed in #1156 (untergeek)

  • Disallow empty lists as reindex source. Raise exception if that happens. Reported in #1139 (untergeek)

  • Set a timeout_override for delete_snapshots to catch cases where slower repository network and/or disk access can cause a snapshot delete to take longer than the default 30 second client timeout. #1133 (untergeek)

  • Add AWS ES 5.1 support. #1172 (wanix)

  • Add missing period filter arguments for delete_snapshots. Reported in #1173 (untergeek)

  • Fix kibana filtertype to catch newer index names. Reported in #1171 (untergeek)

  • Re-order the closed indices filter for the Replicas action to take place before the empty list check. Reported in #1180 by @agomerz (untergeek)


  • Deprecate testing for Python 3.4. It is no longer being supported by Python.

  • Increase logging to show error when master_only is true and there are multiple hosts.


  • Correct a misunderstanding about the nature of rollover conditions. #1144 (untergeek)

  • Correct links to the field_stats API, as it is non-existent in Elasticsearch 6.x. (untergeek)

  • Add a warning about using forcemerge on active indices. #1153 (untergeek)

  • Fix select URLs in pip installation from source to not be 404 #1133 (untergeek)

  • Fix an error in regex filter documentation #1138 (arne-cl)

5.4.1 (6 December 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Improve Dockerfile to build from source and produce slimmer image #1111 (mikn)

  • Fix filter_kibana to correctly use exclude argument #1116 (cjuroz)

  • Fix ssl_no_validate behavior within AWS ES #1118 (igalarzab)

  • Improve command-line exception management #1119 (4383)

  • Make alias action always process remove before add to prevent undesired alias removals. #1120 (untergeek)


  • Bump ES versions in Travis CI


  • Remove unit_count parameter doc for parameter that no longer exists #1107 (dashford)

  • Add missing exclude: True in timestring docs #1117 (GregMefford)

5.4.0 (13 November 2017)


  • Support for Elasticsearch 6.0!!! Yes!

New Features

  • The field_stats API may be gone from Elasticsearch, but its utility cannot be denied. And so, Curator has replaced the field_stats API call with a small aggregation query. This will be perhaps a bit more costly in performance terms, as this small aggregation query must be made to each index in sequence, rather than as a one-shot call, like the field_stats API call. But the benefit will remain available, and it’s the only major API that did not persevere between Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.x that was needed by Curator.

5.3.0 (31 October 2017)

New Features

  • With the period filter and field_stats, it is useful to match indices that fit within the period, rather than just their start dates. This is now possible with intersect. See more in the documentation. Requested in #1045. (untergeek)

  • Add a restore function to curator_cli singleton. Mentioned in #851 (alexef)

  • Add pattern to the count filter. This is particularly useful when working with rollover indices. Requested in #1044 (untergeek)

  • The es_repo_mgr create command now can take skip_repo_fs_check as an argument (default is False) #1072 (alexef)

  • Add pattern_type feature expansion to the period filter. The default behavior is pattern_type='relative', which preserves existing behaviors so users with existing configurations can continue to use them without interruption. The new pattern_type is absolute, which allows you to specify hard dates for date_from and date_to, while date_from_format and date_to_format are strftime strings to interpret the from and to dates. Requested in #1047 (untergeek)

  • Add copy_aliases option to the shrink action. So this option is only set in the shrink action. The default value of the option is copy_aliases: 'False' and it does nothing. If you set to copy_aliases: 'True', you could copy the aliases from the source index to the target index. Requested in #1060 (monkey3199)

  • IAM Credentials can now be retrieved from the environment using the Boto3 Credentials provider. #1084 (kobuskc)

Bug Fixes

  • Delete the target index (if it exists) in the event that a shrink fails. Requested in #1058 (untergeek)

  • Fixed an integration test that could fail in the waning days of a month.

  • Fix build system anomalies for both unix and windows.


  • Set repository access to be https by default.

  • Add documentation for copy_aliases option.

5.2.0 (1 September 2017)

New Features

  • Shrink action! Apologies to all who have patiently waited for this feature. It’s been a long time coming, but it is hopefully worth the wait. There are a lot of checks and tests associated with this action, as there are many conditions that have to be met in order for a shrink to take place. Curator will try its best to ensure that all of these conditions are met so you can comfortably rest assured that shrink will work properly unattended. See the documentation for more information.

  • The cli function has been split into cli and run functions. The behavior of cli will be indistinguishable from previous releases, preserving API integrity. The new run function allows lambda and other users to run Curator from the API with only a client configuration file and action file as arguments. Requested in #1031 (untergeek)

  • Allow use of time/date string interpolation for Rollover index naming. Added in #1010 (tschroeder-zendesk)

  • New unit_count_pattern allows you to derive the unit_count from the index name itself. This involves regular expressions, so be sure to do lots of testing in --dry-run mode before deploying to production. Added by (soenkeliebau) in #997

Bug Fixes

  • Reindex request_body allows for 2 different size options. One limits the number of documents reindexed. The other is for batch sizing. The batch sizing option was missing from the schema validator. This has been corrected. Reported in #1038 (untergeek)

  • A few sundry logging and notification changes were made.

5.1.2 (08 August 2017)


  • An update to Elasticsearch 5.5.0 changes the behavior of filter_by_aliases, differing from previous 5.x versions.

    If a list of aliases is provided, indices must appear in all listed aliases or a 404 error will result, leading to no indices being matched. In older versions, if the index was associated with even one of the aliases in aliases, it would result in a match.

    Tests and documentation have been updated to address these changes.

  • Debian 9 changed SSL versions, which means that the pre-built debian packages no longer work in Debian 9. In the short term, this requires a new repository. In the long term, I will try to get a better repository system working for these so they all work together, better. Requested in #998 (untergeek)

Bug Fixes

  • Support date math in reindex operations better. It did work previously, but would report failure because the test was looking for the index with that name from a list of indices, rather than letting Elasticsearch do the date math. Reported by DPattee in #1008 (untergeek)

  • Under rare circumstances, snapshot delete (or create) actions could fail, even when there were no snapshots in state IN_PROGRESS. This was tracked down by JD557 as a collision with a previously deleted snapshot that hadn’t finished deleting. It could be seen in the tasks API. An additional test for snapshot activity in the tasks API has been added to cover this scenario. Reported in #999 (untergeek)

  • The restore_check function did not work properly with wildcard index patterns. This has been rectified, and an integration test added to satisfy this. Reported in #989 (untergeek)

  • Make Curator report the Curator version, and not just reiterate the elasticsearch version when reporting version incompatibilities. Reported in #992. (untergeek)

  • Fix repository/snapshot name logging issue. #1005 (jpcarey)

  • Fix Windows build issue #1014 (untergeek)


  • Fix/improve rST API documentation.

  • Thanks to many users who not only found and reported documentation issues, but also submitted corrections.

5.1.1 (8 June 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Mock and cx_Freeze don’t play well together. Packages weren’t working, so I reverted the string-based comparison as before.

5.1.0 (8 June 2017)

New Features

  • Index Settings are here! First requested as far back as #160, it’s been requested in various forms culminating in #656. The official documentation addresses the usage. (untergeek)

  • Remote reindex now adds the ability to migrate from one cluster to another, preserving the index names, or optionally adding a prefix and/or a suffix. The official documentation shows you how. (untergeek)

  • Added support for naming rollover indices. #970 (jurajseffer)

  • Testing against ES 5.4.1, 5.3.3

Bug Fixes

  • Since Curator no longer supports old versions of python, convert tests to use isinstance. #973 (untergeek)

  • Fix stray instance of is not comparison instead of != #972 (untergeek)

  • Increase remote client timeout to 180 seconds for remote reindex. #930 (untergeek)


  • elasticsearch-py dependency bumped to 5.4.0

  • Added mock dependency due to isinstance and testing requirements

  • AWS ES 5.3 officially supports Curator now. Documentation has been updated to reflect this.

5.0.4 (16 May 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • The _recovery check needs to compare using != instead of is not, which apparently does not accurately compare unicode strings. Reported in #966 (untergeek)

5.0.3 (15 May 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Restoring a snapshot on an exceptionally fast cluster/node can create a race condition where a _recovery check returns an empty dictionary {}, which causes Curator to fail. Added test and code to correct this. Reported in #962. (untergeek)

5.0.2 (4 May 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Nasty bug in schema validation fixed where boolean options or filter flags would validate as True if non-boolean types were submitted. Reported in #945. (untergeek)

  • Check for presence of alias after reindex, in case the reindex was to an alias. Reported in #941. (untergeek)

  • Fix an edge case where an index named with 1970.01.01 could not be sorted by index-name age. Reported in #951. (untergeek)

  • Update tests to include ES 5.3.2

  • Bump certifi requirement to 2017.4.17.


  • Document substitute strftime symbols for doing ISO Week timestrings added in #932. (untergeek)

  • Document how to include file paths better. Fixes #944. (untergeek)

5.0.1 (10 April 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed default values for include_global_state on the restore action to be in line with defaults in Elasticsearch 5.3


  • Huge improvement to documenation, with many more examples.

  • Address age filter limitations per #859 (untergeek)

  • Address date matching behavior better per #858 (untergeek)

5.0.0 (5 April 2017)

The full feature set of 5.0 (including alpha releases) is included here.

New Features

  • Reindex is here! The new reindex action has a ton of flexibility. You can even reindex from remote locations, so long as the remote cluster is Elasticsearch 1.4 or newer.

  • Added the period filter (#733). This allows you to select indices or snapshots, based on whether they fit within a period of hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

  • Add dedicated “wait for completion” functionality. This supports health checks, recovery (restore) checks, snapshot checks, and operations which support the new tasks API. All actions which can use this have been refactored to take advantage of this. The benefit of this new feature is that client timeouts will be less likely to happen when performing long operations, like snapshot and restore.

    NOTE: There is one caveat: forceMerge does not support this, per the Elasticsearch API. A forceMerge call will hold the client until complete, or the client times out. There is no clean way around this that I can discern.

  • Elasticsearch date math naming is supported and documented for the create_index action. An integration test is included for validation.

  • Allow allocation action to unset a key/value pair by using an empty value. Requested in #906. (untergeek)

  • Added support for the Rollover API. Requested in #898, and by countless others.

  • Added warn_if_no_indices option for alias action in response to #883. Using this option will permit the alias add or remove to continue with a logged warning, even if the filters result in a NoIndices condition. Use with care.


  • Bumped click (python module) version dependency to 6.7

  • Bumped urllib3 (python module) version dependency to 1.20

  • Bumped elasticsearch (python module) version dependency to 5.3

  • Refactored a ton of code to be cleaner and hopefully more consistent.

Bug Fixes

  • Curator now logs version incompatibilities as an error, rather than just raising an Exception. #874 (untergeek)

  • The get_repository() function now properly raises an exception instead of returning False if nothing is found. #761 (untergeek)

  • Check if an index is in an alias before attempting to delete it from the alias. Issue raised in #887. (untergeek)

  • Fix allocation issues when using Elasticsearch 5.1+. Issue raised in #871 (untergeek)


  • Add missing repository arg to auto-gen API docs. Reported in #888 (untergeek)

  • Add all new documentation and clean up for v5 specific.

Breaking Changes

  • IndexList no longer checks to see if there are indices on initialization.

5.0.0a1 (23 March 2017)

This is the first alpha release of Curator 5. This should not be used for production! There will be many more changes before 5.0.0 is released.

New Features

  • Allow allocation action to unset a key/value pair by using an empty value. Requested in #906. (untergeek)

  • Added support for the Rollover API. Requested in #898, and by countless others.

  • Added warn_if_no_indices option for alias action in response to #883. Using this option will permit the alias add or remove to continue with a logged warning, even if the filters result in a NoIndices condition. Use with care.

Bug Fixes

  • Check if an index is in an alias before attempting to delete it from the alias. Issue raised in #887. (untergeek)

  • Fix allocation issues when using Elasticsearch 5.1+. Issue raised in #871 (untergeek)


  • Add missing repository arg to auto-gen API docs. Reported in #888 (untergeek)

4.2.6 (27 January 2016)


  • Update Curator to use version 5.1 of the elasticsearch-py python module. With this change, there will be no reverse compatibility with Elasticsearch 2.x. For 2.x versions, continue to use the 4.x branches of Curator.

  • Tests were updated to reflect the changes in API calls, which were minimal.

  • Remove “official” support for Python 2.6. If you must use Curator on a system that uses Python 2.6 (RHEL/CentOS 6 users), it is recommended that you use the official RPM package as it is a frozen binary built on Python 3.5.x which will not conflict with your system Python.

  • Use isinstance() to verify client object. #862 (cp2587)

  • Prune older versions from Travis CI tests.

  • Update certifi dependency to latest version


  • Add version compatibility section to official documentation.

  • Update docs to reflect changes. Remove cruft and references to older versions.

4.2.5 (22 December 2016)


  • Add and increment test versions for Travis CI. #839 (untergeek)

  • Make filter_list optional in snapshot, show_snapshot and show_indices singleton actions. #853 (alexef)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix cli integration test when different host/port are specified. Reported in #843 (untergeek)

  • Catch empty list condition during filter iteration in singleton actions. Reported in #848 (untergeek)


  • Add docs regarding how filters are ANDed together, and how to do an OR with the regex pattern filter type. Requested in #842 (untergeek)

  • Fix typo in Click version in docs. #850 (breml)

  • Where applicable, replace [source,text] with [source,yaml] for better formatting in the resulting docs.

4.2.4 (7 December 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • --wait_for_completion should be True by default for Snapshot singleton action. Reported in #829 (untergeek)

  • Increase version_max to 5.1.99. Prematurely reported in #832 (untergeek)

  • Make the ‘.security’ index visible for snapshots so long as proper credentials are used. Reported in #826 (untergeek)

4.2.3.post1 (22 November 2016)

This fix is only going in for pip-based installs. There are no other code changes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect assumption of PyPI picking up dependency for certifi. It is still a dependency, but should not affect pip installs with an error any more. Reported in #821 (untergeek)

4.2.3 (21 November 2016)

4.2.2 was pulled immediately after release after it was discovered that the Windows binary distributions were still not including the certifi-provided certificates. This has now been remedied.


  • certifi is now officially a requirement.

  • now forcibly includes the certifi certificate PEM file in the “frozen” distributions (i.e., the compiled versions). The get_client method was updated to reflect this and catch it for both the Linux and Windows binary distributions. This should finally put to rest #810

4.2.2 (21 November 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • The certifi-provided certificates were not propagating to the compiled RPM/DEB packages. This has been corrected. Reported in #810 (untergeek)


  • Added missing --ignore_empty_list option to singleton actions. Requested in #812 (untergeek)


  • Add a FAQ entry regarding the click module’s need for Unicode when using Python 3. Kind of a bug fix too, as the entry_points were altered to catch this omission and report a potential solution on the command-line. Reported in #814 (untergeek)

  • Change the “Command-Line” documentation header to be “Running Curator”

4.2.1 (8 November 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • In the course of package release testing, an undesirable scenario was caught where boolean flags default values for curator_cli were improperly overriding values from a yaml config file.


  • Adding in direct download URLs for the RPM, DEB, tarball and zip packages.

4.2.0 (4 November 2016)

New Features

  • Shard routing allocation enable/disable. This will allow you to disable shard allocation routing before performing one or more actions, and then re-enable after it is complete. Requested in #446 (untergeek)

  • Curator 3.x-style command-line. This is now curator_cli, to differentiate between the current binary. Not all actions are available, but the most commonly used ones are. With the addition in 4.1.0 of schema and configuration validation, there’s even a way to still do filter chaining on the command-line! Requested in #767, and by many other users (untergeek)


  • Update testing to the most recent versions.

  • Lock elasticsearch-py module version at >= 2.4.0 and <= 3.0.0. There are API changes in the 5.0 release that cause tests to fail.

Bug Fixes

  • Guarantee that binary packages are built from the latest Python + libraries. This ensures that SSL/TLS will work without warning messages about insecure connections, unless they actually are insecure. Reported in #780, though the reported problem isn’t what was fixed. The fix is needed based on what was discovered while troubleshooting the problem. (untergeek)

4.1.2 (6 October 2016)

This release does not actually add any new code to Curator, but instead improves documentation and includes new linux binary packages.


  • New Curator binary packages for common Linux systems! These will be found in the same repositories that the python-based packages are in, but have no dependencies. All necessary libraries/modules are bundled with the binary, so everything should work out of the box. This feature doesn’t change any other behavior, so it’s not a major release.

    These binaries have been tested in:
    • CentOS 6 & 7

    • Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04

    • Debian 8

    They do not work in Debian 7 (library mismatch). They may work in other systems, but that is untested.

    The script used is in the unix_packages directory. The Vagrantfiles for the various build systems are in the Vagrant directory.

Bug Fixes

  • The only bug that can be called a bug is actually a stray .exe suffix in the binary package creation section (cx_freeze) of The Windows binaries should have .exe extensions, but not unix variants.

  • Elasticsearch 5.0.0-beta1 testing revealed that a document ID is required during document creation in tests. This has been fixed, and a redundant bit of code in the forcemerge integration test was removed.


  • The documentation has been updated and improved. Examples and installation are now top-level events, with the sub-sections each having their own link. They also now show how to install and use the binary packages, and the section on installation from source has been improved. The missing section on installing the voluptuous schema verification module has been written and included. #776 (untergeek)

4.1.1 (27 September 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • String-based booleans are now properly coerced. This fixes an issue where True/False were used in environment variables, but not recognized. #765 (untergeek)

  • Fix missing count method in __map_method in SnapshotList. Reported in #766 (untergeek)


  • Update es_repo_mgr to use the same client/logging YAML config file. Requested in #752 (untergeek)

Schema Validation

  • Cases where source was not defined in a filter (but should have been) were informing users that a timestring field was there that shouldn’t have been. This edge case has been corrected.


  • Added notifications and FAQ entry to explain that AWS ES is not supported.

4.1.0 (6 September 2016)

New Features

  • Configuration and Action file schema validation. Requested in #674 (untergeek)

  • Alias filtertype! With this filter, you can select indices based on whether they are part of an alias. Merged in #748 (untergeek)

  • Count filtertype! With this filter, you can now configure Curator to only keep the most recent n indices (or snapshots!). Merged in #749 (untergeek)

  • Experimental! Use environment variables in your YAML configuration files. This was a popular request, #697. (untergeek)


  • New requirement! voluptuous Python schema validation module

  • Requirement version bump: Now requires elasticsearch-py 2.4.0

Bug Fixes

  • delete_aliases option in close action no longer results in an error if not all selected indices have an alias. Add test to confirm expected behavior. Reported in #736 (untergeek)


  • Add information to FAQ regarding indices created before Elasticsearch 1.4. Merged in #747

4.0.6 (15 August 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Update old calls used with ES 1.x to reflect changes in 2.x+. This was necessary to work with Elasticsearch 5.0.0-alpha5. Fixed in #728 (untergeek)

Doc Fixes

  • Add section detailing that the value of a value filter element should be encapsulated in single quotes. Reported in #726. (untergeek)

4.0.5 (3 August 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix incorrect variable name for AWS Region reported in #679 (basex)

  • Fix filter_by_space() to not fail when index age metadata is not present. Indices without the appropriate age metadata will instead be excluded, with a debug-level message. Reported in #724 (untergeek)

Doc Fixes

  • Fix documentation for the space filter and the source filter element.

4.0.4 (1 August 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix incorrect variable name in Allocation action. #706 (lukewaite)

  • Incorrect error message in create_snapshot_body reported in #711 (untergeek)

  • Test for empty index list object should happen in action initialization for snapshot action. Discovered in #711. (untergeek)

Doc Fixes

  • Add menus to asciidoc chapters #704 (untergeek)

  • Add pyyaml dependency #710 (dtrv)

4.0.3 (22 July 2016)


  • 4.0.2 didn’t work for pip installs due to an omission in the file. This came up during release testing, but before the release was fully published. As the release was never fully published, this should not have actually affected anyone.

Bug Fixes

  • These are the same as 4.0.2, but it was never fully released.

  • All default settings are now values returned from functions instead of constants. This was resulting in settings getting stomped on. New test addresses the original complaint. This removes the need for deepcopy. See issue #687 (untergeek)

  • Fix host vs. hosts issue in get_client() rather than the non-functional function in

  • Update versions being tested.

  • Community contributed doc fixes.

  • Reduced logging verbosity by making most messages debug level. #684 (untergeek)

  • Fixed log whitelist behavior (and switched to blacklisting instead). Default behavior will now filter traffic from the elasticsearch and urllib3 modules.

  • Fix Travis CI testing to accept some skipped tests, as needed. #695 (untergeek)

  • Fix missing empty index test in snapshot action. #682 (sherzberg)

4.0.2 (22 July 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • All default settings are now values returned from functions instead of constants. This was resulting in settings getting stomped on. New test addresses the original complaint. This removes the need for deepcopy. See issue #687 (untergeek)

  • Fix host vs. hosts issue in get_client() rather than the non-functional function in

  • Update versions being tested.

  • Community contributed doc fixes.

  • Reduced logging verbosity by making most messages debug level. #684 (untergeek)

  • Fixed log whitelist behavior (and switched to blacklisting instead). Default behavior will now filter traffic from the elasticsearch and urllib3 modules.

  • Fix Travis CI testing to accept some skipped tests, as needed. #695 (untergeek)

  • Fix missing empty index test in snapshot action. #682 (sherzberg)

4.0.1 (1 July 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Coerce Logstash/JSON logformat type timestamp value to always use UTC. #661 (untergeek)

  • Catch and remove indices from the actionable list if they do not have a creation_date field in settings. This field was introduced in ES v1.4, so that indicates a rather old index. #663 (untergeek)

  • Replace missing state filter for snapshotlist. #665 (untergeek)

  • Restore es_repo_mgr as a stopgap until other CLI scripts are added. It will remain undocumented for now, as I am debating whether to make repository creation its own action in the API. #668 (untergeek)

  • Fix dry run results for snapshot action. #673 (untergeek)

4.0.0 (24 June 2016)

It’s official! Curator 4.0.0 is released!

Breaking Changes

  • New and improved API!

  • Command-line changes. No more command-line args, except for --config, --actions, and --dry-run:

    • --config points to a YAML client and logging configuration file. The default location is ~/.curator/curator.yml

    • --actions arg points to a YAML action configuration file

    • --dry-run will simulate the action(s) which would have taken place, but not actually make any changes to the cluster or its indices.

New Features

  • Snapshot restore is here!

  • YAML configuration files. Now a single file can define an entire batch of commands, each with their own filters, to be performed in sequence.

  • Sort by index age not only by index name (as with previous versions of Curator), but also by index creation_date, or by calculations from the Field Stats API on a timestamp field.

  • Atomically add/remove indices from aliases! This is possible by way of the new IndexList class and YAML configuration files.

  • State of indices pulled and stored in IndexList instance. Fewer API calls required to serially test for open/close, size_in_bytes, etc.

  • Filter by space now allows sorting by age!

  • Experimental! Use AWS IAM credentials to sign requests to Elasticsearch. This requires the end user to manually install the requests_aws4auth python module.

  • Optionally delete aliases from indices before closing.

  • An empty index or snapshot list no longer results in an error if you set ignore_empty_list to True. If True it will still log that the action was not performed, but will continue to the next action. If ‘False’ it will log an ERROR and exit with code 1.


  • Updated API documentation

  • Class: IndexList. This pulls all indices at instantiation, and you apply filters, which are class methods. You can iterate over as many filters as you like, in fact, due to the YAML config file.

  • Class: SnapshotList. This pulls all snapshots from the given repository at instantiation, and you apply filters, which are class methods. You can iterate over as many filters as you like, in fact, due to the YAML config file.

  • Add wait_for_completion to Allocation and Replicas actions. These will use the client timeout, as set by default or timeout_override, to determine how long to wait for timeout. These are handled in batches of indices for now.

  • Allow timeout_override option for all actions. This allows for different timeout values per action.

  • Improve API by giving each action its own do_dry_run() method.


  • Updated use documentation for Elastic main site.

  • Include example files for --config and --actions.

4.0.0b2 (16 June 2016)

Second beta release of the 4.0 branch

New Feature

  • An empty index or snapshot list no longer results in an error if you set ignore_empty_list to True. If True it will still log that the action was not performed, but will continue to the next action. If ‘False’ it will log an ERROR and exit with code 1. (untergeek)

4.0.0b1 (13 June 2016)

First beta release of the 4.0 branch!

The release notes will be rehashing the new features in 4.0, rather than the bug fixes done during the alphas.

Breaking Changes

  • New and improved API!

  • Command-line changes. No more command-line args, except for --config, --actions, and --dry-run:

    • --config points to a YAML client and logging configuration file. The default location is ~/.curator/curator.yml

    • --actions arg points to a YAML action configuration file

    • --dry-run will simulate the action(s) which would have taken place, but not actually make any changes to the cluster or its indices.

New Features

  • Snapshot restore is here!

  • YAML configuration files. Now a single file can define an entire batch of commands, each with their own filters, to be performed in sequence.

  • Sort by index age not only by index name (as with previous versions of Curator), but also by index creation_date, or by calculations from the Field Stats API on a timestamp field.

  • Atomically add/remove indices from aliases! This is possible by way of the new IndexList class and YAML configuration files.

  • State of indices pulled and stored in IndexList instance. Fewer API calls required to serially test for open/close, size_in_bytes, etc.

  • Filter by space now allows sorting by age!

  • Experimental! Use AWS IAM credentials to sign requests to Elasticsearch. This requires the end user to manually install the requests_aws4auth python module.

  • Optionally delete aliases from indices before closing.


  • Updated API documentation

  • Class: IndexList. This pulls all indices at instantiation, and you apply filters, which are class methods. You can iterate over as many filters as you like, in fact, due to the YAML config file.

  • Class: SnapshotList. This pulls all snapshots from the given repository at instantiation, and you apply filters, which are class methods. You can iterate over as many filters as you like, in fact, due to the YAML config file.

  • Add wait_for_completion to Allocation and Replicas actions. These will use the client timeout, as set by default or timeout_override, to determine how long to wait for timeout. These are handled in batches of indices for now.

  • Allow timeout_override option for all actions. This allows for different timeout values per action.

  • Improve API by giving each action its own do_dry_run() method.


  • Updated use documentation for Elastic main site.

  • Include example files for --config and --actions.

4.0.0a10 (10 June 2016)

New Features

  • Snapshot restore is here!

  • Optionally delete aliases from indices before closing. Fixes #644 (untergeek)


  • Add wait_for_completion to Allocation and Replicas actions. These will use the client timeout, as set by default or timeout_override, to determine how long to wait for timeout. These are handled in batches of indices for now.

  • Allow timeout_override option for all actions. This allows for different timeout values per action.

Bug Fixes

  • Disallow use of master_only if multiple hosts are used. Fixes #615 (untergeek)

  • Fix an issue where arguments weren’t being properly passed and populated.

  • ForceMerge replaced Optimize in ES 2.1.0.

  • Fix prune_nones to work with Python 2.6. Fixes #619 (untergeek)

  • Fix TimestringSearch to work with Python 2.6. Fixes #622 (untergeek)

  • Add language classifiers to Fixes #640 (untergeek)

  • Changed references to to be

4.0.0a9 (27 Apr 2016)


  • Changed create_index API to use kwarg extra_settings instead of body

  • Normalized Alias action to use name instead of alias. This simplifies documentation by reducing the number of option elements.

  • Streamlined some code

  • Made exclude a filter element setting for all filters. Updated all examples to show this.

  • Improved documentation

New Features

  • Alias action can now accept extra_settings to allow adding filters, and/or routing.

4.0.0a8 (26 Apr 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix to use optimize with versions of Elasticsearch < 5.0

  • Fix missing setting in testvars

4.0.0a7 (25 Apr 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix AWS4Auth error.

4.0.0a6 (25 Apr 2016)


  • Documentation updates.

  • Improve API by giving each action its own do_dry_run() method.

Bug Fixes

  • Do not escape characters other than . and - in timestrings. Fixes #602 (untergeek)

** New Features**

  • Added CreateIndex action.

4.0.0a4 (21 Apr 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Require pyyaml 3.10 or better.

  • In the case that no options are in an action, apply the defaults.

4.0.0a3 (21 Apr 2016)

It’s time for Curator 4.0 alpha!

Breaking Changes

  • New API! (again?!)

  • Command-line changes. No more command-line args, except for --config, --actions, and --dry-run:

    • --config points to a YAML client and logging configuration file. The default location is ~/.curator/curator.yml

    • --actions arg points to a YAML action configuration file

    • --dry-run will simulate the action(s) which would have taken place, but not actually make any changes to the cluster or its indices.


  • Updated API documentation

  • Updated use documentation for Elastic main site.

  • Include example files for --config and --actions.

New Features

  • Sort by index age not only by index name (as with previous versions of Curator), but also by index creation_date, or by calculations from the Field Stats API on a timestamp field.

  • Class: IndexList. This pulls all indices at instantiation, and you apply filters, which are class methods. You can iterate over as many filters as you like, in fact, due to the YAML config file.

  • Class: SnapshotList. This pulls all snapshots from the given repository at instantiation, and you apply filters, which are class methods. You can iterate over as many filters as you like, in fact, due to the YAML config file.

  • YAML configuration files. Now a single file can define an entire batch of commands, each with their own filters, to be performed in sequence.

  • Atomically add/remove indices from aliases! This is possible by way of the new IndexList class and YAML configuration files.

  • State of indices pulled and stored in IndexList instance. Fewer API calls required to serially test for open/close, size_in_bytes, etc.

  • Filter by space now allows sorting by age!

  • Experimental! Use AWS IAM credentials to sign requests to Elasticsearch. This requires the end user to manually install the requests_aws4auth python module.

3.5.1 (21 March 2016)

Bug fixes

  • Add more logging information to snapshot delete method #582 (untergeek)

  • Improve default timeout, logging, and exception handling for seal command #583 (untergeek)

  • Fix use of default snapshot name. #584 (untergeek)

3.5.0 (16 March 2016)


  • Add support for the –client-cert and –client-key command line parameters and client_cert and client_key parameters to the get_client() call. #520 (richm)

Bug fixes

  • Disallow users from creating snapshots with upper-case letters, which is not permitted by Elasticsearch. #562 (untergeek)

  • Remove print() command from as it causes issues with command-line retrieval of --url, etc. #568 (thib-ack)

  • Remove unnecessary argument from build_filter() #530 (zzugg)

  • Allow day of year filter to be made up with 1, 2 or 3 digits #578 (petitout)

3.4.1 (10 February 2016)


  • Update license copyright to 2016

  • Use slim python version with Docker #527 (xaka)

  • Changed --master-only exit code to 0 when connected to non-master node #540 (wkruse)

  • Add cx_Freeze capability to, plus a script to simplify binary package creation. #554 (untergeek)

  • Set Elastic as author. #555 (untergeek)

  • Put repository creation methods into API and document them. Requested in #550 (untergeek)

Bug fixes

  • Fix sphinx documentation build error #506 (hydrapolic)

  • Ensure snapshots are found before iterating #507 (garyelephant)

  • Fix a doc inconsistency #509 (pmoust)

  • Fix a typo in show documentation #513 (pbamba)

  • Default to trying the cluster state for checking whether indices are closed, and then fall back to using the _cat API (for Amazon ES instances). #519 (untergeek)

  • Improve logging to show time delay between optimize runs, if selected. #525 (untergeek)

  • Allow elasticsearch-py module versions through 2.3.0 (a presumption at this point) #524 (untergeek)

  • Improve logging in snapshot api method to reveal when a repository appears to be missing. Reported in #551 (untergeek)

  • Test that --timestring has the correct variable for --time-unit. Reported in #544 (untergeek)

  • Allocation will exit with exit_code 0 now when there are no indices to work on. Reported in #531 (untergeek)

3.4.0 (28 October 2015)


  • API change in elasticsearch-py 1.7.0 prevented alias operations. Fixed in #486 (HonzaKral)

  • During index selection you can now select only closed indices with --closed-only. Does not impact --all-indices Reported in #476. Fixed in #487 (Basster)

  • API Changes in Elasticsearch 2.0.0 required some refactoring. All tests pass for ES versions 1.0.3 through 2.0.0-rc1. Fixed in #488 (untergeek)

  • es_repo_mgr now has access to the same SSL options from #462. #489 (untergeek)

  • Logging improvements requested in #475. (untergeek)

  • Added --quiet flag. #494 (untergeek)

  • Fixed index_closed to work with AWS Elasticsearch. #499 (univerio)

  • Acceptable versions of Elasticsearch-py module are 1.8.0 up to 2.1.0 (untergeek)

3.3.0 (31 August 2015)


  • Curator is tested in Jenkins. Each commit to the master branch is tested with both Python versions 2.7.6 and 3.4.0 against each of the following Elasticsearch versions: * 1.7_nightly * 1.6_nightly * 1.7.0 * 1.6.1 * 1.5.1 * 1.4.4 * 1.3.9 * 1.2.4 * 1.1.2 * 1.0.3

  • If you are using a version different from this, your results may vary.


  • Allocation type can now also be include or exclude, in addition to the existing default require type. Add --type to the allocation command to specify the type. #443 (steffo)

  • Bump elasticsearch python module dependency to 1.6.0+ to enable synced_flush API call. Reported in #447 (untergeek)

  • Add SSL features, --ssl-no-validate and certificate to provide other ways to validate SSL connections to Elasticsearch. #436 (untergeek)

Bug fixes

  • Delete by space was only reporting space used by primary shards. Fixed to show all space consumed. Reported in #455 (untergeek)

  • Update exit codes and messages for snapshot selection. Reported in #452 (untergeek)

  • Fix potential int/float casting issues. Reported in #465 (untergeek)

3.2.3 (16 July 2015)

Bug fix

  • In order to address customer and community issues with bulk deletes, the master_timeout is now invoked for delete operations. This should address 503s with 30s timeouts in the debug log, even when --timeout is set to a much higher value. The master_timeout is tied to the --timeout flag value, but will not exceed 300 seconds. #420 (untergeek)


  • Mixing it up a bit here by putting General second! The only other changes are that logging has been improved for deletes so you won’t need to have the --debug flag to see if you have error codes >= 400, and some code documentation improvements.

3.2.2 (13 July 2015)


  • This is a very minor change. The mock library recently removed support for Python 2.6. As many Curator users are using RHEL/CentOS 6, which is pinned to Python 2.6, this requires the mock version referenced by Curator to also be pinned to a supported version (mock==1.0.1).

3.2.1 (10 July 2015)


  • Added delete verification & retry (fixed at 3x) to potentially cover an edge case in #420 (untergeek)

  • Since GitHub allows rST (reStructuredText) README documents, and that’s what PyPI wants also, the README has been rebuilt in rST. (untergeek)

Bug fixes

  • If closing indices with ES 1.6+, and all indices are closed, ensure that the seal command does not try to seal all indices. Reported in #426 (untergeek)

  • Capture AttributeError when sealing indices if a non-TransportError occurs. Reported in #429 (untergeek)

3.2.0 (25 June 2015)


  • Added support to manually seal, or perform a [synced flush]( on indices with the seal command. #394 (untergeek)

  • Added experimental support for SSL certificate validation. In order for this to work, you must install the certifi python module: pip install certifi This feature should automatically work if the certifi module is installed. Please report any issues.


  • Changed logging to go to stdout rather than stderr. Reopened #121 and figured they were right. This is better. (untergeek)

  • Exit code 99 was unpopular. It has been removed. Reported in #371 and #391 (untergeek)

  • Add --skip-repo-validation flag for snapshots. Do not validate write access to repository on all cluster nodes before proceeding. Useful for shared filesystems where intermittent timeouts can affect validation, but won’t likely affect snapshot success. Requested in #396 (untergeek)

  • An alias no longer needs to be pre-existent in order to use the alias command. #317 (untergeek)

  • es_repo_mgr now passes through upstream errors in the event a repository fails to be created. Requested in #405 (untergeek)

Bug fixes

  • In rare cases, * wildcard would not expand. Replaced with _all. Reported in #399 (untergeek)

  • Beginning with Elasticsearch 1.6, closed indices cannot have their replica count altered. Attempting to do so results in this error: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException: Can't update [index.number_of_replicas] on closed indices [[test_index]] - can leave index in an unopenable state As a result, the change_replicas method has been updated to prune closed indices. This change will apply to all versions of Elasticsearch. Reported in #400 (untergeek)

  • Fixed es_repo_mgr repository creation verification error. Reported in #389 (untergeek)

3.1.0 (21 May 2015)


  • If wait_for_completion is true, snapshot success is now tested and logged. Reported in #253 (untergeek)

  • Log & return false if a snapshot is already in progress (untergeek)

  • Logs individual deletes per index, even though they happen in batch mode. Also log individual snapshot deletions. Reported in #372 (untergeek)

  • Moved chunk_index_list from cli to api utils as it’s now also used by

  • Added a warning and 10 second timer countdown if you use --timestring to filter indices, but do not use --older-than or --newer-than in conjunction with it. This is to address #348, which behavior isn’t a bug, but prevents accidental action against all of your time-series indices. The warning and timer are not displayed for show and --dry-run operations.

  • Added tests for es_repo_mgr in #350

  • Doc fixes

Bug fixes

  • delete-by-space needed the same fix used for #245. Fixed in #353 (untergeek)

  • Increase default client timeout for es_repo_mgr as node discovery and availability checks for S3 repositories can take a bit. Fixed in #352 (untergeek)

  • If an index is closed, indicate in show and --dry-run output. Reported in #327. (untergeek)

  • Fix issue where CLI parameters were not being passed to the es_repo_mgr create sub-command. Reported in #337. (feltnerm)

3.0.3 (27 Mar 2015)


This is a bug fix release. #319 and #320 are affecting a few users, so this release is being expedited.

Test count: 228 Code coverage: 99%


  • Documentation for the CLI converted to Asciidoc and moved to

  • Improved logging, and refactored a few methods to help with this.

  • Dry-run output is now more like v2, with the index or snapshot in the log line, along with the command. Several tests needed refactoring with this change, along with a bit of documentation.

Bug fixes

  • Fix links to repository in Reported in #318 (untergeek)

  • No more --delay with optimized indices. Reported in #319 (untergeek)

  • --request_timeout not working as expected. Reinstate the version 2 timeout override feature to prevent default timeouts for optimize and snapshot operations. Reported in #320 (untergeek)

  • Reduce index count to 200 for test.integration.test_cli_commands.TestCLISnapshot.test_cli_snapshot_huge_list in order to reduce or eliminate Jenkins CI test timeouts. Reported in #324 (untergeek)

  • --dry-run no longer calls show, but will show output in the log, as in v2. This was a recurring complaint. See #328 (untergeek)

3.0.2 (23 Mar 2015)


This is a bug fix release. #307 and #309 were big enough to warrant an expedited release.

Bug fixes

  • Purge unneeded constants, and clean up config options for snapshot. Reported in #303 (untergeek)

  • Don’t split large index list if performing snapshots. Reported in #307 (untergeek)

  • Act correctly if a zero value for –older-than or –newer-than is provided. #309 (untergeek)

3.0.1 (16 Mar 2015)


The regex_iterate method was horribly named. It has been renamed to apply_filter. Methods have been added to allow API users to build a filtered list of indices similarly to how the CLI does. This was an oversight. Props to @SegFaultAX for pointing this out.


  • In conjunction with the rebrand to Elastic, URLs and documentation were updated.

  • Renamed horribly named regex_iterate method to apply_filter #298 (untergeek)

  • Added build_filter method to mimic CLI calls. #298 (untergeek)

  • Added Examples page in the API documentation. #298 (untergeek)

Bug fixes

  • Refactored to show –dry-run info for –disk-space calls. Reported in #290 (untergeek)

  • Added list chunking so acting on huge lists of indices won’t result in a URL bigger than 4096 bytes (Elasticsearch’s default limit.) Reported in

  • Refactored to_csv() method to be simpler.

  • Added and removed tests according to changes. Code coverage still at 99%

3.0.0 (9 March 2015)

Release Notes

The full release of Curator 3.0 is out! Check out all of the changes here!

Note: This release is _not_ reverse compatible with any previous version.

Because 3.0 is a major point release, there have been some major changes to both the API as well as the CLI arguments and structure.

Be sure to read the updated command-line specific docs in the [wiki]( and change your command-line arguments accordingly.

The API docs are still at Be sure to read the latest docs, or select the docs for 3.0.0.


  • Breaking changes to the API. Because this is a major point revision, changes to the API have been made which are non-reverse compatible. Before upgrading, be sure to update your scripts and test them thoroughly.

  • Python 3 support Somewhere along the line, Curator would no longer work with curator. All tests now pass for both Python2 and Python3, with 99% code coverage in both environments.

  • New CLI library. Using Click now. This change is especially important as it allows very easy CLI integration testing.

  • Pipelined filtering! You can now use --older-than & --newer-than in the same command! You can also provide your own regex via the --regex parameter. You can use multiple instances of the --exclude flag.

  • Manually include indices! With the --index paramter, you can add an index to the working list. You can provide multiple instances of the --index parameter as well!

  • Tests! So many tests now. Test coverage of the API methods is at 100% now, and at 99% for the CLI methods. This doesn’t mean that all of the tests are perfect, or that I haven’t missed some scenarios. It does mean, however, that it will be much easier to write tests if something turns up missed. It also means that any new functionality will now need to have tests.

  • Iteration changes Methods now only iterate through each index when appropriate! In fact, the only commands that iterate are alias and optimize. The bloom command will iterate, but only if you have added the –delay flag with a value greater than zero.

  • Improved packaging! Methods have been moved into categories of api and cli, and further broken out into individual modules to help them be easier to find and read.

  • Check for allocation before potentially re-applying an allocation rule. #273 (ferki)

  • Assigning replica count and routing allocation rules _can_ be done to closed indices. #283 (ferki)

Bug fixes

  • Don’t accidentally delete .kibana index. #261 (malagoli)

  • Fix segment count for empty indices. #265 (untergeek)

  • Change bloom filter cutoff Elasticsearch version to 1.4. Reported in #267 (untergeek)

3.0.0rc1 (5 March 2015)

Release Notes

RC1 is here! I’m re-releasing the Changes from all betas here, minus the intra-beta code fixes. Barring any show stoppers, the official release will be soon.


  • Breaking changes to the API. Because this is a major point revision, changes to the API have been made which are non-reverse compatible. Before upgrading, be sure to update your scripts and test them thoroughly.

  • Python 3 support Somewhere along the line, Curator would no longer work with curator. All tests now pass for both Python2 and Python3, with 99% code coverage in both environments.

  • New CLI library. Using Click now. This change is especially important as it allows very easy CLI integration testing.

  • Pipelined filtering! You can now use --older-than & --newer-than in the same command! You can also provide your own regex via the --regex parameter. You can use multiple instances of the --exclude flag.

  • Manually include indices! With the --index paramter, you can add an index to the working list. You can provide multiple instances of the --index parameter as well!

  • Tests! So many tests now. Test coverage of the API methods is at 100% now, and at 99% for the CLI methods. This doesn’t mean that all of the tests are perfect, or that I haven’t missed some scenarios. It does mean, however, that it will be much easier to write tests if something turns up missed. It also means that any new functionality will now need to have tests.

  • Methods now only iterate through each index when appropriate!

  • Improved packaging! Hopefully the entry_point issues some users have had will be addressed by this. Methods have been moved into categories of api and cli, and further broken out into individual modules to help them be easier to find and read.

  • Check for allocation before potentially re-applying an allocation rule. #273 (ferki)

  • Assigning replica count and routing allocation rules _can_ be done to closed indices. #283 (ferki)

Bug fixes

  • Don’t accidentally delete .kibana index. #261 (malagoli)

  • Fix segment count for empty indices. #265 (untergeek)

  • Change bloom filter cutoff Elasticsearch version to 1.4. Reported in #267 (untergeek)

3.0.0b4 (5 March 2015)


Integration testing! Because I finally figured out how to use the Click Testing API, I now have a good collection of command-line simulations, complete with a real back-end. This testing found a few bugs (this is why testing exists, right?), and fixed a few of them.

Bug fixes

  • HUGE! curator show snapshots would _delete_ snapshots. This is fixed.

  • Return values are now being sent from the commands.

  • scripttest is no longer necessary (click.Test works!)

  • Calling get_snapshot without a snapshot name returns all snapshots

3.0.0b3 (4 March 2015)

Bug fixes

  • was lacking the new packages “curator.api” and “curator.cli” The package works now.

  • Python3 suggested I had to normalize the beta tag to just b3, so that’s also changed.

  • Cleaned out superfluous imports and logger references from the files.

3.0.0-beta2 (3 March 2015)

Bug fixes

  • Python3 issues resolved. Tests now pass on both Python2 and Python3

3.0.0-beta1 (3 March 2015)


  • Breaking changes to the API. Because this is a major point revision, changes to the API have been made which are non-reverse compatible. Before upgrading, be sure to update your scripts and test them thoroughly.

  • New CLI library. Using Click now.

  • Pipelined filtering! You can now use --older-than & --newer-than in the same command! You can also provide your own regex via the --regex parameter. You can use multiple instances of the --exclude flag.

  • Manually include indices! With the --index paramter, you can add an index to the working list. You can provide multiple instances of the --index parameter as well!

  • Tests! So many tests now. Unit test coverage of the API methods is at 100% now. This doesn’t mean that all of the tests are perfect, or that I haven’t missed some scenarios. It does mean that any new functionality will need to also have tests, now.

  • Methods now only iterate through each index when appropriate!

  • Improved packaging! Hopefully the entry_point issues some users have had will be addressed by this. Methods have been moved into categories of api and cli, and further broken out into individual modules to help them be easier to find and read.

  • Check for allocation before potentially re-applying an allocation rule. #273 (ferki)

Bug fixes

  • Don’t accidentally delete .kibana index. #261 (malagoli)

  • Fix segment count for empty indices. #265 (untergeek)

  • Change bloom filter cutoff Elasticsearch version to 1.4. Reported in #267 (untergeek)

2.1.2 (22 January 2015)

Bug fixes

  • Do not try to set replica count if count matches provided argument. #247 (bobrik)

  • Fix JSON logging (Logstash format). #250 (magnusbaeck)

  • Fix bug in filter_by_space() which would match all indices if the provided patterns found no matches. Reported in #254 (untergeek)

2.1.1 (30 December 2014)

Bug fixes

  • Renamed unnecessarily redundant --replicas to --count in args for

2.1.0 (30 December 2014)


  • Snapshot name now appears in log output or STDOUT. #178 (untergeek)

  • Replicas! You can now change the replica count of indices. Requested in #175 (untergeek)

  • Delay option added to Bloom Filter functionality. #206 (untergeek)

  • Add 2-digit years as acceptable pattern (y vs. Y). Reported in #209 (untergeek)

  • Add Docker container definition #226 (christianvozar)

  • Allow the use of 0 with –older-than, –most-recent and –delete-older-than. See #208. #211 (bobrik)

Bug fixes

  • Edge case where 1.4.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT would break version check. Reported in #183 (untergeek)

  • Typo fixed. #193 (ferki)

  • Type fixed. #204 (gheppner)

  • Shows proper error in the event of concurrent snapshots. #177 (untergeek)

  • Fixes erroneous index display of _, a, l, l when –all-indices selected. Reported in #222 (untergeek)

  • Use json.dumps() to escape exceptions. Reported in #210 (untergeek)

  • Check if index is closed before adding to alias. Reported in #214 (bt5e)

  • No longer force-install argparse if pre-installed #216 (whyscream)

  • Bloom filters have been removed from Elasticsearch 1.5.0. Update methods and tests to act accordingly. #233 (untergeek)

2.0.2 (8 October 2014)

Bug fixes

  • Snapshot name not displayed in log or STDOUT #185 (untergeek)

  • Variable name collision in delete_snapshot() #186 (untergeek)

2.0.1 (1 October 2014)

Bug fix

  • Override default timeout when snapshotting –all-indices #179 (untergeek)

2.0.0 (25 September 2014)


  • New! Separation of Elasticsearch Curator Python API and (untergeek)

  • New! --delay after optimize to allow cluster to quiesce #131 (untergeek)

  • New! --suffix option in addition to --prefix #136 (untergeek)

  • New! Support for wildcards in prefix & suffix #136 (untergeek)

  • Complete refactor of snapshots. Now supporting incrementals! (untergeek)

Bug fix

  • Incorrect error msg if no indices sent to create_snapshot (untergeek)

  • Correct for API change coming in ES 1.4 #168 (untergeek)

  • Missing " in Logstash log format #143 (cassianoleal)

  • Change non-master node test to exit code 0, log as INFO. #145 (untergeek)

  • months option missing from validate_timestring() (untergeek)

1.2.2 (29 July 2014)

Bug fix

  • Updated to briefly explain what curator does #117 (untergeek)

  • Fixed es_repo_mgr logging whitelist #119 (untergeek)

  • Fixed absent months time-unit #120 (untergeek)

  • Filter out .marvel-kibana when prefix is .marvel- #120 (untergeek)

  • Clean up arg parsing code where redundancy exists #123 (untergeek)

  • Properly divide debug from non-debug logging #125 (untergeek)

  • Fixed show command bug caused by changes to command structure #126 (michaelweiser)

1.2.1 (24 July 2014)

Bug fix

  • Fixed the new logging when called by curator entrypoint.

1.2.0 (24 July 2014)


  • New! Allow user-specified date patterns: --timestring #111 (untergeek)

  • New! Curate weekly indices (must use week of year) #111 (untergeek)

  • New! Log output in logstash format --logformat logstash #111 (untergeek)

  • Updated! Cleaner default logs (debug still shows everything) (untergeek)

  • Improved! Dry runs are more visible in log output (untergeek)


  • The --separator option was removed in lieu of user-specified date patterns.

  • Default --timestring for days: %Y.%m.%d (Same as before)

  • Default --timestring for hours: %Y.%m.%d.%H (Same as before)

  • Default --timestring for weeks: %Y.%W

1.1.3 (18 July 2014)

Bug fix

  • Prefix not passed in get_object_list() #106 (untergeek)

  • Use os.devnull instead of /dev/null for Windows #102 (untergeek)

  • The http auth feature was erroneously omitted #100 (bbuchacher)

1.1.2 (13 June 2014)

Bug fix

  • This was a showstopper bug for anyone using RHEL/CentOS with a Python 2.6 dependency for yum

  • Python 2.6 does not like format calls without an index. #96 via #95 (untergeek)

  • We won’t talk about what happened to 1.1.1. No really. I hate git today :(

1.1.0 (12 June 2014)


  • Updated! New command structure

  • New! Snapshot to fs or s3 #82 (untergeek)

  • New! Add/Remove indices to alias #82 via #86 (cschellenger)

  • New! --exclude-pattern #80 (ekamil)

  • New! (sort of) Restored --log-level support #73 (xavier-calland)

  • New! show command-line options #82 via #68 (untergeek)

  • New! Shard Allocation Routing #82 via #62 (nickethier)

Bug fix

  • Fix --max_num_segments not being passed correctly #74 (untergeek)

  • Change BUILD_NUMBER to CURATOR_BUILD_NUMBER in #60 (mohabusama)

  • Fix off-by-one error in time calculations #66 (untergeek)

  • Fix testing with python3 #92 (untergeek)


  • Removed optparse compatibility. Now requires argparse.

1.0.0 (25 Mar 2014)


  • compatible with elasticsearch-py 1.0 and Elasticsearch 1.0 (honzakral)

  • Lots of tests! (honzakral)

  • Streamline code for 1.0 ES versions (honzakral)

Bug fix

  • Fix find_expired_indices() to not skip closed indices (honzakral)

0.6.2 (18 Feb 2014)


  • Documentation fixes #38 (dharrigan)

  • Add support for HTTPS URI scheme and optparse compatibility for Python 2.6 (gelim)

  • Add elasticsearch module version checking for future compatibility checks (untergeek)

0.6.1 (08 Feb 2014)


  • Added tarball versioning to (untergeek)

Bug fix

  • Fix long_description by including in (untergeek)

  • Incorrect version number in (untergeek)

0.6.0 (08 Feb 2014)


  • Restructured repository to a be a proper python package. (arieb)

  • Added file. (arieb)

  • Removed the deprecated file (arieb)

  • Updated to fit the new package, most importantly the usage and installation. (arieb)

  • Fixes and package push to PyPI (untergeek)

0.5.2 (26 Jan 2014)


  • Fix boolean logic determining hours or days for time selection (untergeek)

0.5.1 (20 Jan 2014)


  • Fix can_bloom to compare numbers (HonzaKral)

  • Switched find_expired_indices() to use datetime and timedelta

  • Do not try and catch unrecoverable exceptions. (HonzaKral)

  • Future proofing the use of the elasticsearch client (i.e. work with version 1.0+ of Elasticsearch) (HonzaKral) Needs more testing, but should work.

  • Add tests for these scenarios (HonzaKral)

0.5.0 (17 Jan 2014)


  • Deprecated Use new instead (untergeek)

  • new script change: (untergeek)

  • new add index optimization (Lucene forceMerge) to reduce segments and therefore memory usage. (untergeek)

  • update refactor of args and several functions to streamline operation and make it more readable (untergeek)

  • update refactor further to clean up and allow immediate (and future) portability (HonzaKral)

