Utility & Helper Methods

class curator.utils.TimestringSearch(timestring)

An object to allow repetitive search against a string, searchme, without having to repeatedly recreate the regex.

Parameters:timestring – An strftime pattern

Return the epoch timestamp extracted from the timestring appearing in searchme.

Parameters:searchme – A string to be searched for a date pattern that matches timestring
Return type:int
curator.utils.byte_size(num, suffix='B')

Return a formatted string indicating the size in bytes, with the proper unit, e.g. KB, MB, GB, TB, etc.

  • num – The number of byte
  • suffix – An arbitrary suffix, like Bytes
Return type:



Some of the curator methods should not operate against multiple indices at once. This method can be used to check if a list or csv has been sent.

Parameters:value – The value to test, if list or csv string
Return type:bool
curator.utils.check_master(client, master_only=False)

Check if connected client is the elected master node of the cluster. If not, cleanly exit with a log message.

Parameters:client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
Return type:None

Verify version is within acceptable range. Raise an exception if it is not.

Parameters:client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
Return type:None

This utility chunks very large index lists into 3KB chunks It measures the size as a csv string, then converts back into a list for the return value.

Parameters:indices – A list of indices to act on.
Return type:list
curator.utils.create_repo_body(repo_type=None, compress=True, chunk_size=None, max_restore_bytes_per_sec=None, max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec=None, location=None, bucket=None, region=None, base_path=None, access_key=None, secret_key=None, **kwargs)

Build the ‘body’ portion for use in creating a repository.

  • repo_type – The type of repository (presently only fs and s3)
  • compress – Turn on compression of the snapshot files. Compression is applied only to metadata files (index mapping and settings). Data files are not compressed. (Default: True)
  • chunk_size – The chunk size can be specified in bytes or by using size value notation, i.e. 1g, 10m, 5k. Defaults to null (unlimited chunk size).
  • max_restore_bytes_per_sec – Throttles per node restore rate. Defaults to 20mb per second.
  • max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec – Throttles per node snapshot rate. Defaults to 20mb per second.
  • location – Location of the snapshots. Required.
  • bucketS3 only. The name of the bucket to be used for snapshots. Required.
  • regionS3 only. The region where bucket is located. Defaults to US Standard
  • base_pathS3 only. Specifies the path within bucket to repository data. Defaults to value of repositories.s3.base_path or to root directory if not set.
  • access_keyS3 only. The access key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of cloud.aws.access_key.
  • secret_keyS3 only. The secret key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of cloud.aws.secret_key.

A dictionary suitable for creating a repository from the provided arguments.

Return type:


curator.utils.create_repository(client, **kwargs)

Create repository with repository and body settings

  • client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
  • repository – The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use
  • repo_type – The type of repository (presently only fs and s3)
  • compress – Turn on compression of the snapshot files. Compression is applied only to metadata files (index mapping and settings). Data files are not compressed. (Default: True)
  • chunk_size – The chunk size can be specified in bytes or by using size value notation, i.e. 1g, 10m, 5k. Defaults to null (unlimited chunk size).
  • max_restore_bytes_per_sec – Throttles per node restore rate. Defaults to 20mb per second.
  • max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec – Throttles per node snapshot rate. Defaults to 20mb per second.
  • location – Location of the snapshots. Required.
  • bucketS3 only. The name of the bucket to be used for snapshots. Required.
  • regionS3 only. The region where bucket is located. Defaults to US Standard
  • base_pathS3 only. Specifies the path within bucket to repository data. Defaults to value of repositories.s3.base_path or to root directory if not set.
  • access_keyS3 only. The access key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of cloud.aws.access_key.
  • secret_keyS3 only. The secret key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of cloud.aws.secret_key.

A boolean value indicating success or failure.

Return type:


curator.utils.create_snapshot_body(indices, ignore_unavailable=False, include_global_state=True, partial=False)

Create the request body for creating a snapshot from the provided arguments.

  • indices – A single index, or list of indices to snapshot.
  • ignore_unavailable (bool) – Ignore unavailable shards/indices. (default: False)
  • include_global_state (bool) – Store cluster global state with snapshot. (default: True)
  • partial (bool) – Do not fail if primary shard is unavailable. (default: False)
Return type:



Return a list, even if indices is a single value

Parameters:indices – A list of indices to act upon
Return type:list

Fix value of epoch to be epoch, which should be 10 or fewer digits long.

Parameters:epoch – An epoch timestamp, in epoch + milliseconds, or microsecond, or even nanoseconds.
Return type:int

NOTE: AWS IAM parameters aws_key, aws_secret_key, and aws_region are provided for future compatibility, should AWS ES support the /_cluster/state/metadata endpoint. So long as this endpoint does not function in AWS ES, the client will not be able to use curator.indexlist.IndexList, which is the backbone of Curator 4

Return an elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object using the provided parameters. Any of the keyword arguments the elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object can receive are valid, such as:

  • hosts (list) – A list of one or more Elasticsearch client hostnames or IP addresses to connect to. Can send a single host.
  • port (int) – The Elasticsearch client port to connect to.
  • url_prefix (str) – Optional url prefix, if needed to reach the Elasticsearch API (i.e., it’s not at the root level)
  • use_ssl (bool) – Whether to connect to the client via SSL/TLS
  • certificate – Path to SSL/TLS certificate
  • client_cert – Path to SSL/TLS client certificate (public key)
  • client_key – Path to SSL/TLS private key
  • aws_key – AWS IAM Access Key (Only used if the requests-aws4auth python module is installed)
  • aws_secret_key – AWS IAM Secret Access Key (Only used if the requests-aws4auth python module is installed)
  • aws_region – AWS Region (Only used if the requests-aws4auth python module is installed)
  • ssl_no_validate (bool) – If True, do not validate the certificate chain. This is an insecure option and you will see warnings in the log output.
  • http_auth (str) – Authentication credentials in user:pass format.
  • timeout (int) – Number of seconds before the client will timeout.
  • master_only (bool) – If True, the client will only connect if the endpoint is the elected master node of the cluster. This option does not work if `hosts` has more than one value. It will raise an Exception in that case.
Return type:



Return a regex string based on a provided strftime timestring.

Parameters:timestring – An strftime pattern
Return type:str
curator.utils.get_datetime(index_timestamp, timestring)

Return the datetime extracted from the index name, which is the index creation time.

  • index_timestamp – The timestamp extracted from an index name
  • timestring – An strftime pattern
Return type:



Get the current list of indices from the cluster.

Parameters:client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
Return type:list
curator.utils.get_point_of_reference(unit, count, epoch=None)

Get a point-of-reference timestamp in epoch + milliseconds by deriving from a unit and a count, and an optional reference timestamp, epoch

  • unit – One of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
  • unit_count – The number of units. unit_count * unit will be calculated out to the relative number of seconds.
  • epoch – An epoch timestamp used in conjunction with unit and unit_count to establish a point of reference for calculations.
Return type:


curator.utils.get_repository(client, repository='')

Return configuration information for the indicated repository.

Return type:


curator.utils.get_snapshot(client, repository=None, snapshot='')

Return information about a snapshot (or a comma-separated list of snapshots) If no snapshot specified, it will return all snapshots. If none exist, an empty dictionary will be returned.

  • client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
  • repository – The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use
  • snapshot – The snapshot name, or a comma-separated list of snapshots
Return type:


curator.utils.get_snapshot_data(client, repository=None)

Get _all snapshots from repository and return a list.

Return type:



Return the ES version number as a tuple. Omits trailing tags like -dev, or Beta

Parameters:client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
Return type:tuple

Read the file identified by path and import its YAML contents.

Parameters:path – The path to a YAML configuration file.
Return type:dict

Return True if the connected client node is the elected master node in the Elasticsearch cluster, otherwise return False.

Parameters:client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
Return type:bool
curator.utils.override_timeout(timeout, action)

Override the default timeout for forcemerge, snapshot, and sync_flush operations if the default value of 30 is provided.

  • timeout – Number of seconds before the client will timeout.
  • action – The action to be performed.

Scan and parse name for time.strftime() strings, replacing them with the associated value when found, but otherwise returning lowercase values, as uppercase snapshot names are not allowed.

The time.strftime() identifiers that Curator currently recognizes as acceptable include:

  • Y: A 4 digit year
  • y: A 2 digit year
  • m: The 2 digit month
  • W: The 2 digit week of the year
  • d: The 2 digit day of the month
  • H: The 2 digit hour of the day, in 24 hour notation
  • M: The 2 digit minute of the hour
  • S: The 2 digit number of second of the minute
  • j: The 3 digit day of the year
Parameters:name – A name, which can contain time.strftime() strings

Remove keys from mydict whose values are None

Parameters:mydict – The dictionary to act on
Return type:dict

Read a file and return the resulting data.

Parameters:myfile – A file to read.
Return type:str

Raise a FailedExecution exception and include the original error message.

Parameters:exception – The upstream exception.
Return type:None
curator.utils.repository_exists(client, repository=None)

Verify the existence of a repository

Return type:


curator.utils.safe_to_snap(client, repository=None, retry_interval=120, retry_count=3)

Ensure there are no snapshots in progress. Pause and retry accordingly

  • client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
  • repository – The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use
  • retry_interval – Number of seconds to delay betwen retries. Default: 120 (seconds)
  • retry_count – Number of attempts to make. Default: 3
Return type:


curator.utils.show_dry_run(ilo, action, **kwargs)

Log dry run output with the action which would have been executed.

curator.utils.snapshot_in_progress(client, repository=None, snapshot=None)

Determine whether the provided snapshot in repository is IN_PROGRESS. If no value is provided for snapshot, then check all of them. Return snapshot if it is found to be in progress, or False

  • client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
  • repository – The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use
  • snapshot – The snapshot name

Return True if a snapshot is in progress, and False if not

Parameters:client – An elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object
Return type:bool

Test whether a SSL/TLS files exist. Will raise an exception if the files cannot be read.

Parameters:config – A client configuration file data dictionary
Return type:None
curator.utils.test_repo_fs(client, repository=None)

Test whether all nodes have write access to the repository


Return a csv string from a list of indices, or a single value if only one value is present

Parameters:indices – A list of indices to act on, or a single value, which could be in the format of a csv string already.
Return type:str

Validate an Action configuration dictionary, as imported from actions.yml, for example.

The method returns a validated and sanitized configuration dictionary.

Parameters:data – The configuration dictionary
Return type:dict
curator.utils.validate_filters(action, filters)

Validate that the filters are appropriate for the action type, e.g. no index filters applied to a snapshot list.

  • action – An action name
  • filters – A list of filters to test.

Test if test is a proper elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client object and raise an exception if it is not.

Parameters:test – The variable or object to test
Return type:None

Test if test is a proper curator.indexlist.IndexList object and raise an exception if it is not.

Parameters:test – The variable or object to test
Return type:None

Test if test is a proper curator.snapshotlist.SnapshotList object and raise an exception if it is not.

Parameters:test – The variable or object to test
Return type:None
class curator.SchemaCheck(config, schema, test_what, location)

Validate config with the provided voluptuous schema. test_what and location are for reporting the results, in case of failure. If validation is successful, the method returns config as valid.

  • config (dict) – A configuration dictionary.
  • schema (voluptuous.Schema) – A voluptuous schema definition
  • test_what (str) – which configuration block is being validated
  • location (str) – An string to report which configuration sub-block is being tested.